Dart – Data Types

Like other languages (C, C++, Java), whenever a variable is created, each variable has an associated data type. In Dart language, there are the types of values that can be represented and manipulated in a programming language. 

In this article, we will learn about Dart Programming Language Data Types.

Data Types in Dart

The data type classification is as given below: 

Data Type




int, double, num, BigInt

Numbers in Dart are used to represent numeric literals



Strings represent a sequence of characters



It represents Boolean values true and false



It is an ordered group of objects



It represents a set of values as key-value pairs

1. Number

The number in Dart Programming is the data type that is used to hold the numeric value. Dart numbers can be classified as: 

  • int: data type is used to represent whole numbers (64-bit Max).
  • double: data type is used to represent 64-bit precise floating-point numbers.
  • num: type is an inherited data type of the int and double types.

Below is the implementation of Numbers in Dart:

// Dart Program to demonstrate
// Number Data Type

void main() {
   // declare an integer
   int num1 = 2;             
   // declare a double value
   double num2 = 1.5;  

   // print the values
   var a1 = num.parse("1");  
   var b1 = num.parse("2.34");  
   var c1 = a1+b1;   
   print("Product = ${c1}"); 


Product = 3.34

2. String

It used to represent a sequence of characters. It is a sequence of UTF-16 code units. The keyword string is used to represent string literals. String values are embedded in either single or double-quotes.


String str_name;

Below is the implementation of String data type in Dart:

// Dart Program to demonstrate
// String Data Type

// Driver Class
void main() {
      // Declaration of String type
    String string = 'Beginner''for''Beginner'; 
    String str = 'Coding is '; 
    String str1 = 'Fun'; 
    print (string);  
    print (str + str1);


Coding is Fun

3. Boolean

It represents Boolean values true and false. The keyword bool is used to represent a Boolean literal in DART. 


bool var_name;

Below is the implementation of Boolean in Dart:

// Dart Program to demonstrate
// Boolean Data Type

void main() {
  String str = 'Coding is '; 
  String str1 = 'Fun'; 
  bool val = (str==str1);
  print (val);  



4. List

List data type is similar to arrays in other programming languages. A list is used to represent a collection of objects. It is an ordered group of objects. 

Declaration of List

There are multiple methods to declare List in Dart as mentioned below:

1. Variable Size List

int var_name1 = [];

// Alternative for the above declaration
List<int> var_name2;

2. Fixed Size List

Fixed Size doesn’t mean that we can’t change the size of List, but we have predefined that the List has this much elements while declaring.

List<int> var_name1 = new List<int>.fixed(size,0);

List<int> var_name2 = new List<int>.generate(size, function/expression);

Below is the implementation of List in Dart:

void main() 
    List<String> gfg = new List<String>.filled(3,"default"); 
    gfg[0] = 'Beginner'; 
    gfg[1] = 'For'; 
    gfg[2] = 'Beginner'; 


[Beginner, For, Beginner]

5. Map

The Map object is a key and value pair. Keys and values on a map may be of any type. It is a dynamic collection.

Declare Map in Dart

While Declaring Map there can be only two cases one where declared Map is empty and another where declared Map contains elements in it. Both Cases are mentioned below:

1. Declaring Empty Map

// Method 1
Map? map_name;

// Method 2
Map<key_datatype , value_datatype>? map_name;

// Method 3
var map_name = new Map();

2. Declaring Map with Elements inside it.

// Method 1
Map x={
key1 : value1;
key2 : value2;

// Method 2
Map<key_datatype , value_datatype> map_name{
key1 : value1;
key2 : value2;

// Method 3
var map_name{
key1 : value1;
key2 : value2;

Below is the implementation of Map in Dart:

void main() { 
      Map gfg = new Map(); 
      gfg['First'] = 'Beginner'; 
      gfg['Second'] = 'For'; 
      gfg['Third'] = 'Beginner';


{First: Beginner, Second: For, Third: Beginner}

Note: If the type of a variable is not specified, the variable’s type is dynamic. The dynamic keyword is used as a type annotation explicitly.

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