Dealer Matix Private Limited Mohali Interview Experience for Software Engineer

My journey with Dealer Matix Private Limited began when they visited our campus as the second company for our batch. The experience was a mix of anticipation, excitement, and learning, culminating in a valuable lesson for future interviews.

Pre-Placement Talk

The process started with a pre-placement talk conducted by the company’s HR team. During this session, the HR representative provided an in-depth overview of the company, its culture, and the roles we were being considered for. They presented a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation that highlighted crucial details such as the expected salary, workdays, and office timings. This session was not only informative but also helped set clear expectations, motivating us to perform well in the subsequent rounds.

Aptitude Round

The first round was an aptitude test designed to assess our logical reasoning, quantitative skills, and verbal abilities. The test was challenging, but I had prepared thoroughly and managed to clear it successfully. Clearing this round felt like a significant achievement as it was the initial filter for all candidates.

Coding Round

Following the aptitude test was the coding round, which was more aligned with our technical skills. This round required us to solve various programming problems within a stipulated time. I had been practicing coding regularly, which paid off as I managed to clear this round as well. Along with me, 24 other candidates also passed this stage, which was encouraging as it indicated a strong pool of peers.

On-Site Interview in Mohali

The next day, we were required to travel to Mohali for the interview round. The company had arranged for this on-site visit, and we were all eager to demonstrate our capabilities in person. Upon arrival, the environment was buzzing with anticipation.

Pen and Paper Round

The on-site interview began with a pen-and-paper test. This round consisted of five questions: four from Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) and one from SQL. The questions were designed to test our fundamental understanding and problem-solving skills. I found the questions challenging but manageable, thanks to my preparation, and I successfully cleared this round.

Technical Interview

Next was the technical interview, which lasted about 1.5 hours. This was the most intense part of the process. The interviewer delved deep into my technical knowledge, asking detailed questions about my understanding of DSA, my previous projects, and how I approach problem-solving. We discussed various algorithms, their complexities, and real-world applications. I felt confident throughout the interview as I was well-prepared and could articulate my thoughts clearly. Clearing this round was a testament to my technical proficiency and the hard work I had put in.

HR Interview

The final stage was the HR interview. This round focused more on my personality, cultural fit, and communication skills. The questions were more about my background, my motivations for joining Dealer Matix, and how I handle different workplace scenarios. I performed well in this round, but there was a crucial aspect I overlooked – I conducted my HR interview in Hindi.

Lesson Learned

At the end of the interview process, I learned an important lesson. Despite performing well in all technical rounds and the HR interview, I was not selected. The feedback revealed that candidates who conducted their HR interviews in Hindi were not selected. This was a critical learning point for me and a suggestion I would make to all future candidates: always conduct your interviews, especially the HR round, in English.


In conclusion, my interview experience with Dealer Matix Private Limited was a valuable learning journey. It highlighted the importance of preparation, technical knowledge, and communication skills. While I was not selected, the experience taught me crucial lessons that will undoubtedly benefit me in future endeavors. The key takeaway is to always conduct professional interactions in English unless specified otherwise, as it demonstrates your readiness to operate in a global business environment.

I look forward to applying these lessons in my next opportunity and am grateful for the experience and exposure I gained through this process.