Department Store Management System(DSMS) using C++

A Department Store Management System (DSMS) in C++ is a software tool used to manage the inventory and sales of items in a department store. In this article, we will be discussing the implementation of a DSMS on a command-line user interface using C++. The system allows various features to admin such as add, view, update, and delete items in the store.

  • Add: In this function, it prompts the user for the Item Code, Item name, Company Name, and No. of item. After that, the program asks ‘Do you want to Add Another Item(y/n)’ to which the user has to reply yes or no.
  • View: Displays information for all items in the store.
  • Update: The program asks to enter the Item code and it identifies the product after that we can change the details such as  Item Code, Item name, Company Name, and No. of items in the store.
  • Delete: The program asks to enter the Item code and then it deletes the item. If the user enters an invalid command, an error message is displayed. 


The approach taken in the above code for the Department Store Management System (DSMS) is as follows:

  • The class dept contains the main function to perform add, update, view, and delete operations
  • The control panel function is called which displays the options available to the user
  • Functions have been created for performing various operations like adding a new item, displaying items, checking specific items, updating items, and deleting items.
  • Each operation is performed by reading and writing data to a file named ‘book.txt’.
  • The function for updating items is implemented by first checking for the item to be updated and then updating the values in the file.
  • The function for deleting an item is implemented by first checking for the item to be deleted and then deleting the item from the file.
  • The program exits when the user selects the Exit option on the control panel.

Step 1: Create a folder named DSMS.

mkdir DSMS

Step 2: Go to the created folder and create a c++ file named ‘DSMS’.

echo.> DSMS.cpp

Step 3: Paste the code given below in the DSMS.cpp



// Department Store Management System (DSMS) using c++
#include <conio.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// class dept contains main function to perform add,update,
// view and delete operations
class dept {
    // control panel function is called which displays the
    // options available to
    // the user
    void control_panel();
    void add_item();
    void display_item();
    void check_item();
    void update_item();
    void delete_item();
// control panel
void dept ::control_panel()
    // using the color combination 0A
    system("Color 0A");
    cout << "**********************************************"
    cout << "\n\n\t\t\tDepartment Store Management System";
    cout << "\n\n\t\t\t\t  Control Panel\n";
    cout << "\n********************************************"
    cout << "\n\n 1. Add New Item";
    cout << "\n 2. Display Items";
    cout << "\n 3. Check Specific Item";
    cout << "\n 4. Update Item";
    cout << "\n 5. Delete Item";
    cout << "\n 6. Exit";
// add item
void dept ::add_item()
    // using the color combination 0A
    system("Color 0A");
    fstream file;
    int no_item, Item_Id;
    string itm_name;
    string c_name;
    cout << "\n\n\t\t\t\t Add New Item: \n";
    cout << "----------------------------------------------"
    cout << " Item Code : ";
    cin >> Item_Id;
    cout << "----------------------------------------------"
    cout << "\n\n\t\t\t Item Name: ";
    cin >> itm_name;
    cout << "\n\n Company Name: ";
    cin >> c_name;
    cout << "\n\n\t\t\t No. Of Item: ";
    cin >> no_item;"D://item.txt", ios::out | ios::app);
    file << " " << Item_Id << " " << itm_name << " "
         << c_name << " " << no_item << "\n";
    cout << "=============================================="
         << endl;
// display item
void dept ::display_item()
    // using the color combination 0A
    system("Color 0A");
    fstream file;
    int no_item, Item_code;
    string itm_name;
    string c_name;"D://item.txt", ios::in);
    if (!file) {
        cout << "File Opening Error....";
    else {
        cout << "------------------------------------------"
        cout << " Item Code          Item           "
                "Company    No. of Item\n";
        cout << "------------------------------------------"
             << endl;
        file >> Item_code >> itm_name >> c_name
            >> no_item; // To fetch data from file
        while (!file.eof()) {
            cout << "   " << Item_code << "              "
                 << itm_name << "           " << c_name
                 << "\t          " << no_item
                 << "\n"; // to print fetched data from file
            // cout<<"\t"<<no_item<<"\n";
            file >> Item_code >> itm_name >> c_name
                >> no_item; // again fetch next data from
                            // the file and the loop
                            // continues till eof
        cout << "=========================================="
             << endl;
// check specific item
void dept ::check_item()
    // using the color combination 0A
    system("Color 0A");
    fstream file;
    int count = 0;
    int Item_code;
    int no_item;
    string itm_name, c_name;
    cout << "\n\n\t\t\t\t Check Specific Product\n";
    cout << "----------------------------------------------"
            "----------------------------------\n";"D://item.txt", ios ::in);
    if (!file) {
        cout << "File Opening Error....";
    else {
        int It_code;
        cout << "\n\n Item Code: ";
        cin >> It_code;
        cout << "\n----------------------------------------"
        // again fetch next data from the
        // file and the loop continues till
        // eof
        file >> Item_code >> itm_name >> c_name >> no_item;
        while (!file.eof()) {
            if (It_code == Item_code) {
                    << "\n\n\t\t\t\tCheck Specific Product";
                cout << "\n\n Item Code : " << Item_code;
                cout << "\n\n\t\t\tItem Name : "
                     << itm_name;
                cout << "\n\n Company : " << c_name;
                cout << "\n\n\t\t\tNo. of Item : "
                     << no_item;
            // again fetch next data from
            // the file and the loop
            // continues till eof
            file >> Item_code >> itm_name >> c_name
                >> no_item;
        if (count == 0) {
            cout << "Item Not Found....";
// update item
void dept ::update_item()
    // using the color combination 0A
    system("Color 0A");
    fstream file, file1;
    int no_copy, no_co, count = 0;
    string itm_name, b_na, a_name, a_na, newitm_idd,
    cout << "\n\n\t\t\t\tUpdate Item Record\n";
    cout << "----------------------------------------------"
            "----------------------------\n";"D://book1.txt", ios::app | ios::out);"D://item.txt", ios::in);
    if (!file)
        cout << "\n\n File Opening Error...";
    else {
        cout << "\n\n Item Code : ";
        cin >> newitm_id;
        cout << "\n----------------------------------------"
        file >> newitm_idd >> itm_name >> a_name >> no_copy;
        while (!file.eof()) {
            if (newitm_id == newitm_idd) {
                cout << "\n\n\t\t\t\tUpdate Book Record";
                cout << "\n\n New Item Name : ";
                cin >> b_na;
                cout << "\n\n\t\t\tCompany Name : ";
                cin >> a_na;
                cout << "\n\n No. of Items : ";
                cin >> no_co;
                file1 << " " << newitm_id << " " << b_na
                      << " " << a_na << " " << no_co
                      << "\n";
                file1 << " " << newitm_idd << " "
                      << itm_name << " " << a_name << " "
                      << no_copy << "\n";
            file >> newitm_idd >> itm_name >> a_name
                >> no_copy;
        if (count == 0)
            cout << "\n\n Item Code Not Found...";
    rename("D://book1.txt", "D://item.txt");
// delete item
void dept ::delete_item()
    // using the color combination 0A
    system("Color 0A");
    fstream file, file1;
    int no_copy, count = 0;
    string newitm_id, newitm_idd, itm_name, a_name;
    cout << "\n\n\t\t\t\tDelete Item Record";
    cout << "\n--------------------------------------------"
            "------------------------------\n";"D://book1.txt", ios::app | ios::out);"D://item.txt", ios::in);
    if (!file)
        cout << "\n\n File Opening Error...";
    else {
        cout << "\n\n Item Code : ";
        cin >> newitm_id;
        cout << "\n----------------------------------------"
        file >> newitm_idd >> itm_name >> a_name >> no_copy;
        while (!file.eof()) {
            if (newitm_id == newitm_idd) {
                cout << "\n\n\t\t\t\tDelete Item Record";
                cout << "\n\n One Item is Deleted "
                file1 << " " << newitm_idd << " "
                      << itm_name << " " << a_name << " "
                      << no_copy << "\n";
            file >> newitm_idd >> itm_name >> a_name
                >> no_copy;
        if (count == 0)
            cout << "\n\n Book ID Not Found...";
    rename("D://temp.txt", "D://item.txt");
// main function
int main()
    dept d;
    int choice;
    char x;
    cout << "\n\n Your Choice : ";
    cin >> choice;
    switch (choice) {
    case 1:
        do {
            cout << "Do You Want To Add Another Item (y/n) "
                    ": ";
            cin >> x;
        } while (x == 'y');
    case 2:
    case 3:
    case 4:
    case 5:
    case 6:
        cout << "\n\n Invalid Value....Please Try again";
    cout << "\n";
    goto p;


To get the output we need to follow some steps given below.

  • Run the command given below in the terminal:
g++ DSMS.cpp -o DSMS.exe
  • Here ‘DSMS’ is the file name and after that, a file named ‘DSMS.exe’ is created and now we need to execute it.