Difference between DBMS and DSMS

1. DBMS : In DBMS the nature of data is non-volatile and random data access is performed using DBMS. It operates on one time queries and gives the exact output for that query. DBMS uses unlimited secondary storage to store the data and also here in DBMS the data update rate is very low. DBMS is used when there is little or no time requirement. Application of DBMS :

  • University records
  • Supply Chain Management
  • HR Management
  • Telecommunication records
  • Railway Reservation System

The below query is an example of DBMS query which is a one time query and gives the exact answer.

SELECT Name, Role, City
FROM Employees
WHERE City = 'Bhubaneswar'

The above query is a very simple query which shows Name, Role, City of the company employees whose city belongs to Bhubaneswar and the output/result will be ordered by name of the employees. 2. DSMS : In DSMS the nature of data is volatile data stream and sequential data access is performed using DSMS. It operates on continuous queries and gives the exact/approximate output for that query. DBMS uses limited main memory to store the data and also here in DSMS the data update rate is very high. DSMS is used when there is real time requirement. Application of DSMS :

  • Sensor Network
  • Network Traffic Analysis
  • Financial Tickers
  • Online Auctions
  • Transaction Log Analysis

The below query is an example of DSMS query which is a continuous query and gives the exact/approximate answer.

MIN(Temp) Over W1 as Wmin_temp,
MAX(Temp) Over W1 as Wmax_temp,
AVG(Temp) Over W1 as Wavg_temp,
FROM Weatherstream

The above query aggregates a sensor stream from a weather monitoring system. Then it aggregates the collected minimum, maximum and average temperature values. Window clause creates a window of 2 seconds duration (refers to delay, which can be changed) showing a stream of incrementally updated results with zero result latency. 
Difference between DBMS and DSMS :

01. DBMS refers to Data Base Management System. DSMS refers to Data Stream Management System.
02. Data Base Management System deals with persistent data. Data Stream Management System deals with stream data.
03. In DBMS random data access takes place. In DSMS sequential data access takes place.
04. It is based on Query Driven processing model i.e called pull based model. It is based on Data Driven processing model i.e called push based model.
05. In DBMS query plan is optimized at beginning/fixed. DSMS is based on adaptive query plans.
06. The data update rates in DBMS is relatively low. The data update rates in DSMS is relatively high.
07. In DBMS the queries are one time queries. But in DSMS the queries are continuous.
08. In DBMS the query gives the exact answer. In DSMS the query gives the exact/approximate answer.
09. DBMS provides no real time service. DSMS provides real time service.
10. DBMS uses unbounded disk store means unlimited secondary storage. DSMS uses bounded main memory means limited main memory.