Describe some benefits of state normalization in Redux.

State normalization in Redux is a technique that helps to organize the data in your application. It is similar to organizing your room. If you scatter all your things randomly, you will have a hard time finding what you need. But, if you put things in separate drawers and shelves based on their type, it becomes easier to access them and keep your room neat.

Benefits of State Normalization in Redux:

  • To Improve Performance: Normalized state structures can lead to better performance, especially when dealing with large datasets, as they reduce redundant data and unnecessary computations.
  • Enhanced Readability: A normalized state makes it easier to understand the structure of the data, as related entities are stored separately and can be accessed more intuitively.
  • Efficient Updates: With normalized state, updates to specific parts of the data are more efficient, as you only need to modify a single entity instead of potentially updating multiple instances across the state tree.
  • Simplified Data Retrieval: Normalization allows for simpler data retrieval through direct access to entities by their IDs, avoiding complex traversal of nested structures.
  • Easier Data Management: Managing relationships between entities becomes more straightforward with normalization, as you can establish clear associations between different pieces of data.
  • Facilitates Data Consistency: By ensuring that entities are stored in a normalized manner, you can maintain data consistency more easily, as changes to one entity can be propagated consistently throughout the application.