Explain the event-driven architecture of Node JS
NodeJS is built on an event-driven architecture, which is fundamental to its asynchronous and non-blocking I/O model. This architecture revolves around the concept of events, event emitters, and event listeners, enabling efficient handling of asynchronous operations and concurrent requests. Let’s delve into the key components and principles of the event-driven architecture in NodeJS....
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How do you use multiple useEffect in a component?
useEffect is a hook used to perform side effects in function components. If you need to use multiple useEffect hooks in a single component, you can simply place them one after the other within your component function....
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Difference between app.get() and app.post() in Express.js.
In ExpressJS, app.get() and app.post() are two different methods used to handle HTTP requests but for different purposes....
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How to handle input forms with useState Hook in React ?
Handling input forms with useState in React involves creating state variables to store the values of input fields and updating them as the user interacts with the form....
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Explain the concept of middleware in NodeJS
Middleware in NodeJS refers to a software design pattern where functions are invoked sequentially in a pipeline to handle requests and responses in web applications. It acts as an intermediary layer between the client and the server, allowing for modularization of request processing logic and enabling cross-cutting concerns such as authentication, logging, error handling, and data transformation. Let’s delve deeper into the concept of middleware in NodeJS....
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How to handle form data in Express ?
Handling form data in Express involves setting up a route to manage incoming form submissions and using the body-parser middleware to extract the form data from the request body....
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How to handle authentication in Node?
Authentication in NodeJS involves verifying the identity of users accessing a web application or API endpoint. It typically involves processes such as user login, session management, and token-based authentication to ensure secure access to resources....
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How to read and write files in Node JS ?
NodeJS provides built-in modules for reading and writing files, allowing developers to interact with the file system asynchronously. These modules, namely fs (File System), offer various methods for performing file operations such as reading from files, writing to files, and manipulating file metadata. Let’s explore how to read and write files in NodeJS....
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How to persist state with Local or Session Storage in React ?
Persisting state with localStorage or sessionStorage is a way to store data in the user’s web browser so that it remains available even after the page is refreshed or closed....
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How CSS Modules work in React?
CSS Modules in React are a way to locally scope CSS by default in React components. They allow you to write CSS styles in a modular and encapsulated manner, making it easier to manage styles and avoid naming collisions....
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How to comment in JSX?
In JSX(JavaScript XML), you can use curly braces {} to embed JavaScript expressions, including comments. However, unlike regular JavaScript comments (which are used ‘ /* */ ' for multi-line comments and ‘ // ' used for single-line comments), JSX comments are treated as JavaScript expressions....
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What is the difference between setImmediate() and setTimeout() in NodeJS?
setImmediate Executes immediately after the current event loop iteration, making it ideal for time-sensitive tasks without delay. It has higher priority than other I/O events and timers, potentially causing starvation of other tasks due to its immediate execution....
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