Difference between BMS and EMS

1. Building Management System (BMS) :
Building Management System (BMS), as name suggests, is a software management tool that is generally used to manage and helps one to take decision regarding all building decisions.

2. Energy Management System (EMS) :
Energy Management System (EMS), as name suggests, is a software management tool that is generally used to manage all energy used by assets and facilities within organization.

Difference between BMS and EMS :

BMS mainly focuses on Building management i.e. manage and control all mechanical and electrical equipment’s. EMS mainly focuses on Energy management i.e. manage and control power supply to all assets, equipment’s, facilities, etc.
BMS usually makes it more simply to control and manage building by simply automating some resources. It does not provide any control or automation functionality.
It makes sure that building or organization operate effectively i.e. operates in right way that helps one to complete task and achieve goal. It provides all information to mangers to make them easily understand and makes best and effective use of energy or power system.
It generally saves more energy as automation of system makes use of systems more effective. It makes sure that building or organization operate efficiently i.e. operate in best possible manner without any waste of energy.
BMS usually requires hardware to automate system control. It does not require any hardware.
It is more complicated and costly than EMS. It is less complicated and costly than BMS.
It does not provide any reporting or historical data. It is basically a reporting and decision support software tool.
It does not provide any insight information about how building system should be adjusted and why. It provides insight information to team members about what is going on, how building system should be adjusted and why.
It also provides security measures. It does not provide any security measures.
BMS is also known as macro level analysis. EMS is also known as micro level analysis.
One cannot identify and solve operational problems and issues related to energy usage. One can identify and solve all operational problems and issues related to energy usage.