Difference between Cassandra and Couchbase

1. Cassandra :
Cassandra is a free and open-source, distributed, wide column store, NoSQL database management system. It was developed by Apache Software foundation and initially released on July 2008. Cassandra is designed to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers, providing high availability with no single point of failure.

2. Couchbase :
Couchbase Server is an open-source, distributed multi-model NoSQL document-oriented database software package that is optimized for interactive applications. It is also known as Membase. It was developed by Couchbase, Inc. and initially released on August 2010.

Difference between Cassandra and Couchbase :

S.NO. Cassandra couchbase
1. Developed by Apache Software foundation and released on July 2008. developed by Couchbase, Inc. and initially released on August 2010.
2. Cassandra is written only in Java language. Couchbase is written in C++, Erlang, C and Go languages.
3. The primary database model for Cassandra is Wide Column Store. The primary database model for Couchbase is Document Store.
4. There is no secondary database model in Cassandra. The secondary database model for Couchbase is key-value store .
5. Cassandra does not supports XML data format. Couchbase does supports XML data format.
6. Secondary indexes in Cassandra is restricted. Couchbase supports the secondary indexes without any restrictions.
7. Cassandra supports Selectable Replication Factor replication method. Couchbase supports Master-Slave Replication and Master-Master Replication replication methods.
8. Cassandra does not provides ACID transactions . Couchbase provides ACID transactions.
9. Cassandra does not have any in-memory capabilities. Couchbase has in-memory capabilities.
10. Time series data is recorded, processed and retrieved in Cassandra so that data can be recorded from history to be used in the future. Time series data is not recorded in Couchbase so that historical data cannot be used to predict the future in the company.
11. Server operating systems for Cassandra are BSD, Linux, OS X, Windows. Server operating systems for Couchbase are Linux, OS X and Windows.
12. Famous companies like GitHub, Hulu, Instagram, Reddit, The Weather Channel, etc uses Cassandra. Famous companies like Lockwood Publishing, Code Weavers, MSLGROUP, The Doyle Group, etc uses Couchbase.