Difference between Couchbase and MariaDB

1. Couchbase : 

Couchbase Server is an open-source, distributed multi-model NoSQL document-oriented database software package that is optimized for interactive applications. It is also known as Membase. It was developed by Couchbase, Inc. and initially released on August 2010. 

2. MariaDB : 

MariaDB is an open source relational database management system (RDBMS) that is a compatible drop-in replacement for the widely used MySQL database technology. It is developed by MariaDB Foundation and initially released on 29 October 2009. MariaDB has a significantly high number of new features, which makes it better in terms of performance and user-orientation than MySQL. 

Difference between Couchbase and MariaDB :

S.NO. Couchbase MariaDB
1. Developed by Couchbase, Inc. and initially released on August 2010. Developed by MariaDB Foundation and initially released on 29 October 2009.
2. Couchbase is written in C++, Erlang, C and Go languages. MariaDB is written in C, C++, Perl and Bash languages.
3. The primary database model for Couchbase is Document Store. The primary database model for MariaDB is Relational DBMS.
4. The secondary database model for Couchbase is key-value store. The secondary database model MariaDB is Document Store and Graph DBMS.
5. Couchbase supports Map Reduce method. MariaDB does not supports Map Reduce method.
6. There is no Foreign Keys in Couchbase and hence no Referential Integrity. MariaDB provides the concept of Referential Integrity and have Foreign keys.
7. Couchbase is Data Schema free. In MariaDB the data schema supports dynamic columns.
8. Couchbase only supports Declarative query language (N1QL) that extends ANSI SQL to JSON. MariaDB has many queries similar and the working is also similar to SQL i.e it supports SQL.
9. Server operating systems for Couchbase are Linux, OS X and Windows. Server operating systems for MariaDB are FreeBSD, Linux, Solaris, Windows.
10. Famous companies like Lockwood Publishing, Code Weavers, MSLGROUP, The Doyle Group, etc uses Couchbase. Famous companies like CUNY, Accenture, Docplanner, Grooveshark, Northrop Grumman, uses MariaDB.
11. CouchBase only supports sharding. MariaDB supports horizontal partitioning and sharding.