Difference between Corrective and Preventive Maintenance

1. Corrective Maintenance (CM) :
CM is a type of maintenance task or action is usually performed after equipment failure. It’s simply considered as all activities that restore failed or broken-down assets to its normal working condition. It is reactive in nature. Whenever any assets fail, either it is replaced, repaired, or restored to its operability.

2. Preventive Maintenance (PM) :
PM is a type of maintenance task or action that is usually performed before equipment failure. It’s simply considered as all activities that maintain assets and prevent them from failure or breakdown. It is preventive in nature.

Difference between CM and PM :

Corrective Maintenance Preventive Maintenance
CM is performed after asset failure or after anything goes wrong. PM is performed before asset failure or before anything goes wrong.
It is less complex and simple process because it does not involve any planning to prevent asset from failure. It is more complex as compared to CM because t involves planning to prevent assets from failure.
It can be more expensive than PM as some equipment failure causes greater damage to system. It can be expensive but it prevents assets from failure.
It can affect overall system as some assets failure can cause greater loss in production. It prevents loss in production by reducing chances of failure occurrence.
CM leads to expensive repairs along with unscheduled repairs. PM mainly aims to avoid expensive repairs and corrective actions.
It is performed at random intervals as it is only performed when a failure occurs. It is performed at regular intervals as asset maintenance is important and should be checked regularly to avoid any failure occurrence.
CM generally increases need for assets preventive actions. PM generally decreases need for corrective actions.
CM overall decreases lifecycle of assets. PM overall increases life cycle of assets.
This process results in loss of production, loss of product quality, loss of time. This process leads to increase in production, increase in product quality, no loss of production time.
It is not better for safety of employees and working environment as it increases risk of injury. It is better for safety of employees and working environment as it reduces risk of injury.
Downtime of assets is more in CM. Downtime of assets is less in PM.
It requires a greater number of employees or technicians to perform CM. It requires a smaller number of employees or technicians to perform PM.
It increases workload for technicians. It decreases workload for technicians.