Different ways to reduce Corrective Maintenance Load

Corrective Maintenance (CM) is a way to restoring particular failed asset to its appropriate working order. One can say that corrective maintenance is a type of maintenance action that one usually performs, not a whole strategy. For assets that are less or not critical, CM is appropriate maintenance action one can choose as cost required in repairing such assets is lower rather than trying to perform preventive actions. But one should try to minimize use of maintenance actions. Amount of corrective maintenance can be minimized by following different ways :

  1. Access to appropriate tools :
    To perform maintenance actions, availability of tools and resources that are necessary for repairing or replacing assets is very important. We have seen that in many cases, all team members or staff are not allowed to have access to many tools that are appropriate for corrective actions. But for performing effective, all team members and staff should be having access to all tools that are required. Team. As a result, team members can perform their assigned tasks or maintenance tasks much faster and in an effective and better manner that leads to increase in product quality and decrease in overall time required for production.

  2. Improve working team :
    Before proceeding towards doing any task, one needs to make sure that all members that are going to perform particular are highly skilled and trained technicians that can cope up with any type of asset failures or break down. Qualified and trained technicians know how to deal with such situations more quickly and effectively. If team members are not highly skilled, then one can increase development of team by providing pieces of training, extra coaching, assigning daily tasks, etc. Team members should also work together to decrease CM load.

  3. Educate staff members :
    It’s not necessary that only assigned team members should have knowledge regarding particular tasks and capable of identifying potential maintenance failures. Its duty and responsibility of overall members that are within organization to identify potential failures and report them so that maintenance actions can be performed more effectively and easily. It will also make it easier for manager to assign maintenance task to appropriate team member or technician that can handle situation in better way.

  4. Automate technician assignments :
    Failure can be of different types. Within organization, failure can occur in any part of system. It can be either occurs in equipment, component, part of equipment, electrical circuit, etc. One team member cannot be able to handle any type of failure. Different team members or technicians are highly skilled and trained in their different particular fields. So, depending upon nature of failure, managers should assign particular asset failure to appropriate technician that can handle particular problem in better and effective manner without any issue.

  5. Minimize team’s workload :
    One needs to make sure that there should not be any workload on team members as it decreases their capability of performing well and more chances of doing mistakes. Therefore, every task that is needed to be performed should be scheduled on basis of analysis of data, severity, importance of tasks. Need for scheduling simply helps to prioritize tasks and helps team members to work without tasks on basis of priority without any load.

  6. Maintain best stock of assets :
    One needs to make sure availability of tools, resources, parts of equipment, or assets for future reference. All these stocks should be well-equipped and best. These stocks are required immediately if any failure occurs. If parts that are required are available, then one does not have to wait for particular part required to correct and restore failed equipment to its normal working condition.