Difference Between DART and C++

Competitive Programming teaches one to find the easiest solution in the quickest way possible. And C++ has always been loved by almost all the competitive programmers. C++ language is capable of boosting the speed of debugging and problem-solving which are the necessities for this brain sport.

Why is C++ a high in-demand language in competitive programming? 

  • C++ was developed in 1980 by Bjarne Stroustrup. Ever since then, it has been actively used by the coders for real-world applications like game development, browsers, banking, graphics, advanced computations, and more. This is one reason why C++ hasn’t lost its place.
  • In-built functions: C++ is rich with the in-built functions that are associated with it. Eg: Sorting can be done in C++ using: sort(A, A+n) where ‘A’ is an array and ‘n’ indicates the length of the array.
  • A very vast library: The templates in C++ help the programmers quickly tackle basic data structures and functions. They include lists, stacks, arrays, etc. Also, many header files can be replaced by using a single STL(Standard Template Library). It actually makes the life of competitive programmers easier.
  • Speed: C++ is very fast compared to languages like Python and Java.Whether it’s compiling or I/O operations, C++ is swift compared to these languages using interpreters and complex codes.

This has made C++ by far the best and most popular languages in the competitive programming world.

Is DART a rival to C++?

DART is basically a client-optimized language and is meant for serving applications at the server-side as well as the browser side. It is also used in mobile applications. These days, Dart is seen replacing Kotlin in app development using Flutter as it avoids the need for a separate declarative layout language like XML and JSX. While C++ is an object-oriented programming language with generic features, Dart is an object-oriented, web-based programming language. Therefore, it can be easily compiled to JavaScript for browser applications. Also, we can use the Dart virtual machine on the server-side to replace Node.js. This has enabled Dart to erase the imprints of the C++ family in modern applications.

Basic Differences

Let’s peep into the basic dissimilarities between Dart and C++. How to read and display your name using these two languages?

1. Reading input from the user:  C++ uses ‘cin’ and ‘scanf’ command to read the input from the user.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
    string name;
    return 0;


import 'dart:io';
void main(){
  var name = stdin.readLineSync();




2. Displaying an output: C++ displays the output using ‘cout’ and ‘printf’ commands. Whereas Dart uses the normal print statement as in Python or ‘write’ command. Also, parenthesis is used to specify the elements to be displayed in the Dart language.



#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    string name;
    return 0;


import 'dart:io';
void main(){
  var name = stdin.readLineSync();


3. Language type: C++ is an object-oriented language. It supports the basic OOP features like polymorphism, encapsulation, classes, objects, abstraction, etc.

Did you know?

 C++ is an impure object-oriented language. The reasons include:

  • Encapsulation is violated by the use of global variables in C++.
  • The use of classes is not important as in Java and if used they have to be specified inside the main function. This prevents the usage of multiple classes in C++.

On the other hand, the Dart language is a web-based programming language. It is also object-oriented, class-based, and garbage collected language. It is enabled with features like spread operator for expanding collections. Most importantly, Dart language is used for reactive programming where it can support features like user interface widgets. It also deals with data streams that are responsible for every change that takes place in a program.

4. Translator: Language translators like compiler and interpreter are used to convert a high-level language into machine level language. C++ is a compiled language and thus it becomes speedier when compared with Python which is interpreted.

Dart can also be compiled. But instead of resulting in a machine language, the Dart compiler will result in the JavaScript code which is in turn an interpreted language.dart can also be compiled into the native code to use with Node.js. Also, there is a Dart Virtual Machine that acts as an interpreter. Thus, Dart is an interpreted compiler language.

Let us see the differences in a tabular form -:

  DART C++
1. It is developed by  Lars Bak and Kasper Lund in  October 10, 2011 It is developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1985
2. DART is a programming language. It is a general-purpose programming language
3. It is designed for client development It is a superset of C programming language.
4. It also supports Object-oriented programming. It supported Object oriented Programming.
5. It can compile to either native code or JavaScript It also has an in-built library known as STL