Difference between GPRS and DGPS

GPRS stands for General Packet Radio Service whereas DGPS stands for Differential Global Positioning System. GPRS is used for video calling, Email accessing, multimedia messaging etc. Its main objective is to grant data as well as voice in mobile phones. While DGPS used for the satellite-based navigation systems. The fundamental distinction between GPRS and DGPS is that, GPRS is employed for granting cellular primarily based information services. On the other hand, DGPS is employed for providing local coordinate system. 
Let’s see the difference between GPRS and DGPS:

1. GPRS stands for General Packet Radio Service. Whereas DGPS stands for Differential Global Positioning System.
2. GPRS is less expensive. While the cost of dgps is costlier than gprs.
3. It can’t be utilize anywhere, it is only utilize in land in limited range. While dgps’s instruments range is local.
4. In gprs, many receivers are taken place. While in dgps, two receivers are taken place.
5. There is one station required in GPRS. While there is two station required in DGPS.
6. Its main objective is to grant data as well as voice in mobile phones. While its main objective is to provide local coordinate system.