Difference between GPS and DGPS

GPS stands for Global Positioning System which is a satellite-based navigation system that provides location and time information in all weather conditions, anywhere on or near the Earth, where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites. The system was originally developed by the United States government for military use but was later made available for civilian use. It consists of a network of 24 satellites in orbit around the Earth and a ground control segment that monitors and maintains the satellite constellation.

whereas DGPS stands for Differential Global Positioning System.  It is an enhancement to the standard GPS system that provides improved accuracy and reliability by correcting the errors that occur in GPS signals due to atmospheric disturbances, clock errors, and other factors.

 Both used for the satellite-based navigation systems. The fundamental distinction between GPS and DGPS is that, Gps’s instruments range is global. on the other hand, DGPS’s instruments range is local. 

Difference between GPS and DGPS:

1. GPS stands for Global Positioning System. DGPS stands for Differential Global Positioning System.
2. In GPS, frequency varies from 1.1 GHz to 1.5 GHz. While in DGPS, frequency varies as per agency requirements.
3. GPS uses WGS84, that is used for time coordinate system. While in DGPS, local coordinate system is used.
4. The cost of GPS is lower than DGPS. While the cost of DGPS is costlier than GPS.
5. GPS’s instruments range is global. While DGPS’s instruments range is local.
6. In GPS, only one receiver is taken place. While in DGPS, two receivers are taken place.
7. Does not require any additional equipment beyond a GPS receiver  Requires a DGPS receiver and access to correction signals from a nearby DGPS station
8. Typically used in applications such as navigation, surveying, and mapping  Primarily used in marine and aviation navigation, as well as in surveying and mapping applications

Conclusion : 

GPS provides a location accuracy of around 10 to 15 meters and has global coverage, while DGPS provides higher accuracy of up to 1 to 3 meters but is limited to specific regions. DGPS is also more expensive than GPS and is typically used in applications that require higher levels of accuracy, such as marine navigation and precision agriculture.