Difference between Half duplex Transmission Modes and Full Duplex Transmission Modes

1. Half-duplex mode :
Half-duplex mode is when the sender can send the data and also can receive the data one at a time. It is two-way directional i.e bi-directional communication but one at a time.


2. Full-duplex mode :
Full duplex mode is when the sender can send the data and also can receive the data simultaneously. It is two-way directional i.e bi-directional communication simultaneously.


The Advantages and Disadvantages of Half Duplex and Full Duplex Transmission:

The half duplex mode of transmission has the advantage of being simple and less expensive than full duplex mode. It is also suitable for situations where the amount of data transmitted is low, and the devices need to take turns transmitting and receiving data. However, half duplex mode has the disadvantage of being slower and less efficient than full duplex mode, as it can only transmit data in one direction at a time.

On the other hand, the full duplex mode of transmission has the advantage of being faster and more efficient than half duplex mode, as data can flow in both directions simultaneously. It is also suitable for situations where large amounts of data need to be transmitted simultaneously. However, full duplex mode is more complex and expensive than half duplex mode, and requires more advanced equipment to be implemented.

Difference between Half-duplex Transmission Modes and Full-Duplex Transmission Modes :

Sr.No. Parameters Half-duplex mode Full duplex mode
1. Definition The sender can send as well as receive the data but does one task at a time. The sender can send as well as receive the data at the same time.
2. Data Flow In Half duplex data flow is two-directional but one at a time. In Full Duplex data flow is two directional and is simultaneous.
3. Channel usage Usage of one channel while data transmission. Usage of two channels while data transmission because of splitting of channel for simultaneous sending and receiving.
4. Performance Half-duplex mode provides less performance than full-duplex mode. Full-duplex provides better performance than half-duplex mode.
5. Bandwidth utilization In this there is less utilization of bandwidth during transmission. In this bandwidth utilization is doubled.
6. Communication Channel  Saving bandwidth as it is exchanged alternately between both sides on a single communication channel.  The entire capacity is utilized by splitting the communication channel so that the transmission in both directions is possible at the same time. 
7. Suitable for It is suitable when data needs to be send in both directions, but in opposite directions. It is suitable for communicating in both directions simultaneously and without delay.
8. Data Transmission In this, two systems are connected by a point-to-point link to transmit and receive signals. Both ends can transmit signals but one at a time. In this, signals are transmitted in both directions; both end stations can receive and send data at the same time. Full duplex mode requires two independent channels for transmission, one for receiving the data and the other for transmitting the data.
9. Examples Walkie-Talkies and Text message are example of half duplex mode. Telephone, Instant Chat rooms, Audio Video Calls are example of full duplex mode.
10. Communication efficiency Less efficient due to the need to alternate between sending and receiving data  More efficient as both devices can transmit data simultaneously
11. collision Collisions can occur when two devices try to transmit data at the same time  Collisions are less likely as both devices can transmit data simultaneously


In conclusion, the choice of transmission mode depends on the specific requirements of the communication system. While half duplex mode is suitable for situations where the amount of data transmitted is low and devices need to take turns transmitting and receiving data, full duplex mode is ideal for situations where large amounts of data need to be transmitted simultaneously. Ultimately, the selection of the mode of transmission should be based on the specific needs of the communication system, taking into account factors such as speed, efficiency, and cost.