Difference between Simplex Transmission Modes and Full Duplex Transmission Modes

1. Simplex Mode :
Simplex mode is as on a one-way street, the communication is unidirectional, as on a one-way street. In this, only one of the two devices on a link can transmit, and the other can only receive. This mode uses the entire capacity of the channel to send data in one direction.


2. Full-duplex mode :
Full duplex mode is when the sender can send the data and also can receive the data simultaneously. It is two-way directional i.e bi-directional communication simultaneously.


Difference between Simplex Transmission Modes and Full-Duplex Transmission Modes :

Sr.No. Parameters Simplex Mode Full duplex mode
1. Definition  The sender can send the data but that sender can’t receive the data.  The sender can send as well as receive the data at the same time.
2. Data Flow In simplex mode, data flow is Unidirectional.  In Full Duplex, data flow is two-directional and is simultaneous.
3. Performance Simplex mode provides worst performance than full-duplex mode.   Full-duplex provides better performance than simplex mode.
4. Bandwidth Utilization In this bandwidth utilization is maximized.  In this bandwidth utilization is doubled.
5. Channel capacity Full utilization of the channel capacity as data sending is carried out in only one direction. In Full duplex mode, channel capacity is utilized by splitting it in such a way that transmission in both directions is possible at the same time. 
6. Data transmission In this, one station is the transmitter and the other is the receiver. Here, information is one way, that is, it is only the transmitter that sends data or information. In this, signals are transmitted in both directions; both end stations can receive and send data at the same time.  The full-duplex mode requires two independent channels for transmission, one for receiving the data and the other for transmitting the data.
7. Suitable for It is suitable when there is need of complete bandwidth for data transmission. It is suitable when communication is required in both directions with no delays.
8. Examples Keyboard and traditional monitors are an example of simplex mode.  Telephone, Instant Chat rooms, and Audio Video Calls are an example of full-duplex mode.