Difference between Information Architecture and UX Design

Information Architecture : Information Architecture, as the name suggests, acts as a blueprint to show clear paths to website visitors and make it easier for them to navigate that in turn increases user experience. It is a key aspect of UX design that mainly focuses on organizing information, structuring mobile apps and websites, etc.  

UX Design : UX Design, as the name suggests, is a process of designing products that are essential and useful, supports user behavior through usability and usefulness, increases user experience and makes sure that users find value in your website.  

Information Architecture vs UX Design  

Information Architecture 

 UX Design  

Information architects generally work to develop a content structure that is usable out of complex sets of information.   UX designers generally work to make things profound to increase user experience.  
It mainly focuses on the structure of the website.   It mainly focuses on the emotions of users or visitors.  
It can be present as an independent component without UX.   It cannot be present as an independent component without IA.  
Its main aim is to convert complex information into more understandable and easily one that makes sense.   Its main aim is to make it easy for users to use and view content, increase system efficiency and utility.
IA is especially designed to help users find information and complete their task.   UX is especially designed to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty towards business through utility and ease of use.  
It includes wireframes, sitemap, page flows, etc.   It includes interaction models, user journey maps, etc.  
It involves organizing, structuring, and labeling content.   It involves designing the entire process of integrating products along with aspects of branding, design, function and usability.  
It also provides better clarity for the project, correct content gaps, etc.   It also increases productivity, reduces development time and lower support costs.  
It results in the creation of a site map, hierarchies, categorizations, navigation, etc.   It meets user needs, keeps it consistent, have a clear hierarchy, etc.