Difference between Internet and Intranet

Generally, most people are confused between the internet and the intranet. While there are exist lots of differences to differentiate them. 
Internet is used to connect the different networks of computers simultaneously. It is a public network therefore anyone can access the internet. On the internet, there are multiple users and it provides an unlimited of information to the users. 

Intranet is the type of internet that is used privately. It is a private network therefore anyone can’t access the intranet. On the intranet, there is a limited number of users and it provides a piece of limited information to its users. 

Types of network

Now, we shall see the difference between the internet and intranet: 

S.NO Internet Intranet
1. Internet is used to connect different networks of computers simultaneously. Intranet is owned by private firms.
2. On the internet, there are multiple users. On an intranet, there are limited users.
3. Internet is unsafe. Intranet is safe.
4. On the internet, there is more number of visitors. In the intranet, there is less number of visitors.
5. Internet is a public network. Intranet is a private network.
6. Anyone can access the Internet. In this, anyone can’t access the Intranet.
7. The Internet provides unlimited information. Intranet provides limited information.
8. Using Social media on your phone or researching resources via Google. A company used to communicate internally with its employees and share information
9. The Internet is a global network that connects millions of devices and computers worldwide. An intranet is a private network that connects devices and computers within an organization.
10. It is open to everyone and allows access to public information, such as websites and online services. An intranet is only accessible to authorized users within the organization.
11. It is used for communication, sharing of information, e-commerce, education, entertainment, and other purposes. An intranet is primarily used for internal communication, collaboration, and information sharing within an organization.
12. Users can access the Internet from any location with an Internet connection and a compatible device. Access to an intranet is restricted to authorized users within the organization and is typically limited to specific devices and locations.
13. Security measures, such as firewalls, encryption, and secure sockets layer (SSL) protocols, are used to protect against threats like hacking, viruses, and malware. Intranets employ similar security measures to protect against unauthorized access and ensure the privacy and integrity of shared data.
14. The Internet is a public network that is not owned by any particular organization or group. Intranets are private networks that are owned and managed by the organization that uses them.
15. Examples of Internet-based services include email, social media, search engines, and online shopping sites. Examples of intranet-based services include internal communications, knowledge management systems, and collaboration tools