How Internet is Different from Intranet?

Answer: The Internet is a global network accessible to everyone, while an intranet is a private network restricted to authorized users within an organization.

Internet is different from Intranet by considering the factors below.

Scope and Accessibility

  • Internet: The Internet is a global network that mainly connects millions of devices worldwide.
  • Intranet: An intranet is a private network that is accessible only to authorized users within an organization.

Purpose and Functionality

  • Internet: The internet is mainly used for accessing and sharing information globally.
  • Intranet: An intranet is used for internal communication only like collaboration, and sharing of resources and documents.

Security and Access Control

  • Internet: Security on the Internet depends on various measures such as firewalls, encryption, and authentication.
  • Intranet: Intranets are inherently more secure as they are protected from external threats by firewalls and access control mechanisms.

Content and Ownership

  • Internet: THe data on the internet is publicly accessible and owned by various individuals, businesses, and organizations.
  • Intranet: The data on an intranet is owned by the particular organization.

Speed and Performance

  • Internet: Internet speeds can change depending on factors like network congestion, bandwidth availability, and geographical location.
  • Intranet: Intranet speeds are mainly faster and more consistent since they work within a controlled environment.