Difference between NoSQL and NewSQL

1. NoSQL : 
The term NoSQL is categorizing databases as descriptive as ” No-SQL “. NoSQL is a comprehensive category of databases that are developed to overcome the problems generated by SQL databases. They are referred to as schema less documents which store the data in documents, graph, key-value, and non-ordered fashion.

Advantages of NoSQL : 

  • They scale better than traditional systems when there is a need for dynamic behavior.
  • These systems are better optimized for non-relational data.
  • Allows performing schema-on-write operations.

Disadvantages of NoSQL : 

  • The system built with NoSQL is fundamentally non-transactional.
  • The volume of data created is huge and does not offer any traditional database capability.
  • It does not follow consistency when multiple transactions are performed simultaneously.

2. NewSQL : 
The term NewSQL categorizes databases that are the combination of relational model with the advancement in scalability, flexibility with types of data. These databases focus on the features which are not present in NoSQL, which offers a strong consistency guarantee. This covers two layers of data one relational one and a key-value store.

Advantages of NewSQL : 

  • It introduces new implementation to traditional relational databases.
  • It brings together the advantages of SQL and NoSQL.
  • It is easy to migrate between the type and needs of the user. 

Disadvantages of NewSQL : 

  • They offer partial access to rich traditional systems.
  • It may cause a problem in-memory architecture for exceeding volumes of data.
  • The core foundation of such databases is relational systems which make it tricky to understand.

Difference between NoSQL and NewSQL :

1. NoSQL is a schema-free database. NewSQL is schema-fixed as well as a schema-free database.
2. It is horizontally scalable. It is horizontally scalable.
3. It possesses automatically high-availability. It possesses built-in high availability.
4. It supports cloud, on-disk, and cache storage. It fully supports cloud, on-disk, and cache storage.
5. It promotes CAP properties. It promotes ACID properties.
6. Online Transactional Processing is not supported. Online Transactional Processing is fully supported.
7. There are low-security concerns. There are moderate security concerns.
8. Use Cases: Big Data, Social Network Applications, and IOT. Use Cases: E-Commerce, Telecom industry, and Gaming.
9. Examples : DynamoDB, MongoDB, RaveenDB etc. Examples : VoltDB, CockroachDB, NuoDB etc.