Difference Between Prop Root and Stilt Root

Explore the difference between prop roots and stilt roots, two types of specialized roots found in plants. Prop roots originate from the stem and extend vertically into the soil for support, commonly seen in plants like corn and banyan trees. While, stilt roots emerge from the base of the stem and grow horizontally above the ground, providing stability, particularly in swampy or muddy habitats. Understanding these root adaptations sheds light on plant structural diversity and ecological strategies.

Difference between Prop Root and Stilt Root

Table of Content

  • What is Prop Root?
    • Example of Prop Roots
  • What is Stilt Root?
    • Example of Stilt Root
  • Difference Between Prop Root and Stilt Root
  • Similarities between Prop Roots and Stilt Roots
  • Conclusion: Difference Between Prop Root and Stilt Root
  • FAQs on Prop and Stilt Roots

What is Prop Root?

Prop roots are defined as aerial roots of trees that grow from the horizontal branches of the trees. These roots look like long poles. Prop roots are also known as columnar roots. These roots grow in a vertical direction towards the soil and are long and thick.

These roots provide mechanical support for the trees and even support the branches of the tree. Young and newly growing prop roots absorb moisture from the air. Prop roots can even replace the original main stem. For breathing prop roots have lenticels.

Example of Prop Roots

Banyan trees and fig plants are examples of prop root trees.

What is Stilt Root?

Stilt root are defined as a type of roots that grows from the basal node of the main stem. As compared to prop roots stilt roots are short but very massive and thick. Stilt roots grow obliquely at an angle of the stem. Stilt root looks like ropes tied to the tent. Stilt roots also provide mechanical support for the plants. Like prop roots stilt roots don’t grow vertically downwards. Stilt roots have multiple root caps.

Example of Stilt Root

Pandanus and Mangroves are the examples of plants with stilt roots.

Difference Between Prop Root and Stilt Root

Differences between Prop Root and Stilt Root are discussed below:


Prop roots

Stilt roots


Prop roots are defined as aerial roots of trees that grow from the horizontal branches of the trees.

Stilt roots are defined as a type of root that grows from the basal node of the main stem.


Prop roots grow vertically downwards.

Stilt roots grow obliquely.


Prop roots grow from the horizontal branches of the tree.

Stilt roots grow from the basal node at the main stem.


The function of prop roots is to provide mechanical support for the trees and spread the branches.

The function of stilt roots is to provide mechanical support for trees against the wind.


Prop roots and long in length.

Stilt roots and short in length.

Hygroscopic nature

The young roots of such plants are hygroscopic in nature.

The young roots of such plants are not hygroscopic in nature.


Prop roots are also known as columnar roots or pillar roots.

Split roots are also known as supportive roots.


Banyan trees and figs are examples of prop root trees.

Pandanus and Mangroves are examples of plants with stilt roots.

Similarities between Prop Roots and Stilt Roots

Similarities between Prop roots and Stilt roots are discussed below:

  1. The main aim of prop roots and stilt roots is to provide mechanical support for the trees.
  2. Both the prop roots and stilt roots do not grow from the roots.
  3. Both prop roots and stilt root enters the soil.
  4. Prop roots and stilt roots both are types adventitious roots.

Conclusion: Difference Between Prop Root and Stilt Root

While both prop roots and stilt roots serve as support structures for plants, they differ in their origin and orientation. Prop roots extend vertically from the stem, providing stability, while stilt roots grow horizontally above the ground. Understanding these distinctions illuminates the diverse strategies plants employ to adapt to their environments and optimize their growth and survival.

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FAQs on Prop and Stilt Roots

What is meant by Tap roots?

Tap roots are defined as a type of roots system in which roots are sprouted laterally from the main root.

Which Plants have Stilt Roots?

Mangroves, maize and pandanus are the examples of plants that have stilt roots.

Why Prop and Stilt are called as Roots?

Prop and stilt are known as roots as they arise from other parts of the trees except the radicle. Both prop and stilt roots are adventitious. As regular stems of plants have nodes and internodes but prop and stilt roots do not. Therefore they are known as roots.

Why Banyan Tree is considered as Prop Root?

Banyan tree is considered as prop root tree because the roots of banyan tree grows from the stem and goes down into the soil. These prop roots transfers water and minerals from the soil and provides a mechanical support for the banyan tree.

What is the Difference between Stilt and Pneumatophores?

Stilt roots are type of adventitious roots whereas pneumatophores are specialized type of roots. Stilt roots are aerial in nature and grows from the lower nodes of the stem whereas pneumatophores .

What is Stilt Roots?

Stilt roots are supportive aerial roots that grow from the base of a plant’s stem, providing stability in unstable soils.

What is the Difference between Prop Roots and Aerial Roots?

Prop roots provide structural support by growing from the stem into the soil, while aerial roots grow above ground for various functions.

Do Stilt Roots Absorb Water?

Yes, stilt roots can absorb water and nutrients from the soil, in addition to providing structural support to the plant.

Do Sugarcane have Stilt Roots?

Yes, sugarcane has stilt roots, which grow from the lower nodes of the stem to provide additional support and stability.