Difference between Routable and Non-routable Protocols

1. Routable Protocol :
A Routable protocol is a network protocol which carry data from one network and it go through the router to succeed in another network and be delivered to a computer in that remote network.

2. Non-Routable Protocol :
A non-routable protocol’s data cannot be passed through a router. This is mainly due to lack of capability of this protocol.

Differences between Routable and Non-Routable Protocol :

S.No. Routable Protocol Non-Routable protocol
1. The protocols that allow the forwarding of data from one network to another network are called as routable protocols. The protocols that doesn’t allow the forwarding of data from one network to another network are called as non-routable protocols.
2. The data packets from one network to another network are transferred using routers. Non-Routable protocols cannot be used to route the data over the network using router.
3. It contains a network address as well as a device address. It contains only a device address and not a network address.
4. It is used to build large networks. It is designed to work on small and local networks.
5. A routable protocol’s data can be passed through a router. A non-routable protocol’s data cannot be passed through a router.
6 Routable protocols work with a router. Non-Routable protocols are designed to work on small and cannot be used with a router.
7 They are complex. They are less complex than routable protocols.
8 All the routable protocols can be limited to the different network. All the Non routable protocols are limited to the same network.
9 Examples is Internet Protocol (IP). Internet Protocol has two versions IPv4 and IPv6. Internet Protocol (IP). Internet Protocol has two versions IPv4 and IPv6.