Difference between Ruby and Ruby on Rails

1. Ruby :
Ruby is an object-oriented scripting language launched in 1995 and is known as a general-purpose programming language. It was programmed in C programming language. Ruby is a secured programming language and its syntax is similar to Perl and Python. It was developed on the principle of user interface design and it is mainly used to develop desktop applications. While developing applications mainly C++, Java, VB.net are used.

Some of the top companies which are using Ruby are Github, Twitter, Airbnb, SCRIBD, Slideshare, Fiverr, etc.

Pros of Ruby :

  • Good memory Management & Garbage Collection.
  • Good Dependency Management.
  • Instant Gratification.

Cons of Ruby :

  • Syntax Complexity and error arise.
  • Supports multiple programming paradigms
  • Shared Mutable State.

2. Ruby on Rails :
Ruby on Rails is a web app development framework based on MVC system and it is known as a framework for data base driven web app. It was programmed in Ruby programming language. It is considered as more secure than Ruby language and its syntax is similar to Phoenix in Elixir, Python. It was developed on the principle of DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself ) and COC (Convention Over Configuration) and it is mainly used to develop web applications. While developing applications mainly HTML, CSS, JavaScript and XML are used.

Some of the top companies which are using Ruby on Rails are Bloomberg, Crunchbase, zendesk, PIXLR, etc.

Pros of Ruby on Rails :

  • Secure Tool
  • Versatile
  • Cost-Effective

Cons of Ruby on Rails :

  • Runtime Speed and Performance.
  • Absence of Flexibility.
  • High Expense in the Development.

Difference between Ruby and Ruby on Rails :




01. Ruby is an object oriented scripting language launched in 1995.  Ruby on Rails is a web app development framework based on MVC system.
02. It is known as a general purpose programming language. Where as it is known as a framework for data base driven web app.
03. It was programmed in C programming language. It was programmed in Ruby programming language.
04. It is considered as a secure programming language. While it is considered as more secure than Ruby language.
05. It is not a framework. While it is a web development framework.
06. Ruby is commonly used in static website development. Ruby on Rails is not generally recommended when creating static website.
07. Ruby programming language is considered as taking inspiration from Perl and Smalltalk. Ruby on Rails is considered as taking inspiration from Django, Python’s Laravel, and PHP, respectively.
08. Ruby programming language is used to develop desktop applications. While it is used to develop web applications.
09. It was developed on the principle of user interface design. It was developed on the principle of DRY and COC.
10. Its syntax is similar to Perl and Python. Its syntax is similar to Phoenix in Elixir, Python.
11. While developing applications mainly C++, Java, VB.net are used. While developing applications mainly HTML, CSS, JavaScript and XML are used.
12. Some of the top companies which are using Ruby are Github, Twitter, airbnb, SCRIBD, slideshare, fiverr etc. Some of the top companies which are using Ruby on Rails are Bloomberg, crunchbase, zendesk, PIXLR etc.