Differentiation of e to the Power x

Derivative of ex is ex. Derivative of ex means finding the change in the exponential function with respect to the independent variable. The process of finding the derivative is known as differentiation. The derivative of ex is ex. Understanding the derivative of ex is an important concept in calculus as it offers insights into the dynamic nature of exponential growth.

In this article, we will talk about derivatives of ex, what is derivative, and its some basic rules.

What is Derivative of ex?

The derivative of ex means the change in the exponential with respect to x. It is denoted by d(ex)/ dx. It is written as f(x) = ex, where ‘e’ is the Euler’s number and its value is approximately 2.718. The derivative of ex is ex

Derivative of ex Formula

Formula for the derivative of ex is given below,

d(ex)/dy = ex

(ex)’ = ex

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Proof of Derivative of ex

The derivative of cot x can be proved using the following ways:

  • By using First Principle of Derivative
  • By using Derivative of ax

Differentiation of ex Using First Principle

We are going to prove the differentiation of ex is ex by using the first principle of derivatives. We will use some basic rules and formulas of exponential functions and derivatives that are given below.

f'(x) = lim h→0 [f(x + h) – f(x)] / h

Also, we know that,

ex+h = ex.eh

lim x→0 (ex – 1) / x = 1

Using above formulas, we get,

d(ex)/dx = lim h→0 [ex+h – ex] / h

= lim h→0 [ex.eh – ex] / h

= lim h→0 ex [eh – 1] / h

= ex lim h→0 [eh – 1] / h

= ex × 1 = ex

Hence we have proved that the derivative of ex to be equal to ex

Differentiation of ex Using Derivative of ax

Exponential function are expressed in the form f(x) = ax , where ‘a’ is a constant (real number) and x is variable.

Derivative of exponential function f(x) = ax is find by the formula,

f'(x) = (ln a).ax…(i)

Substituting value a = e in eq (i), we get the differentiation of ex which is given by

f'(x) = (ln e) e x

= 1 × ex [As, ln e = 1]

= ex

Hence, the derivative of e to the power x is e x .

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Solved Examples on Derivative of ex

Some examples related to Derivative of ex are,

Example 1: Find the derivative of e2x.


Using Chain Rule

y = e2x

y’ = d(e2x)/dx

y’ = [d(e2x)/dx ].[ d(2x)/dx]

y’ = e2x. 2

y’ = 2(e2x)

Example 2:Find the derivative of ex/x2.


Using Quotient Rule

[(d[u/v]/dx) = [u’v – uv’]/v2]

y = ex/x2

y’ = d(ex/x2)/dx

y’ = ( d(ex)/dx . x2 – ex. d(x2)/dx )/ (x2)2

y’ = ( ex. x2 – ex. 2x )/ x4

y’= ( x .ex( x – 2))/x4

y’ = ( ex. (x-2) )/ x3

Example 3: Find the derivative of the function (ex)x


y= (ex)x

Taking log both side, we get,

ln y = ln (ex)x

ln y = x.(ln ex )

ln y = x2

Differentiation both side, we get,

1/y . y’ = 2x

y’ = y. (2x)

y’ = (ex)x. (2x)

Example 4: Evaluate the derivative of e2x+ x.sinx


y = e2x + x.sinx

y’ = d(e2x)/dx + d(x.sinx)/dx

To solve this we need to apply Chain rule for e2x and Product rule for x.sinx

y’ = (d(e2x)/dx . d(2x)/dx ) + (dx/dy. sinx + x . d(sinx)/dy)

y’ = e2x.2 + (1.sinx + x.cosx)

y’ = 2.e2x + sinx + xcosx

Practice Questions on Derivative of ex

Various problems related to Derivative of ex are,

Q1. Find the derivative of e5x

Q2. Find the derivative of x3.e3x

Q3. Evaluate: (d/dx) [ex/(x2 + 2)]

Q4. Evaluate the derivative of: ex. log x

Derivative of ex Frequently Asked Questions

What is Derivative in Math?

In mathematics, the derivative of a function tells about the change in output with a change in input. It measures the instantaneous rate of change of the function at a specific point.

What is Derivative of e raised to negative x?

Derivative of e raised to negative x or e-x is (-e-x).

What is Derivative of ax?

Derivative of ax is ax.ln a.

What is Derivative of x.e2x?

Derivative of x.e2x is x.2e2x + e2x or e2x( 2x + 1).