Dinitrogen Trioxide Formula – Structure, Properties, Uses, Sample Questions

Nitrogen is very essential to life. Daniel Rutherford discovered nitrogen in the year 1772. It belongs to group 15 of the periodic table. Nitrogen is colorless, odorless gas with the symbol N. It has an atomic weight of 14.0067u. The density of nitrogen is 0.001145 g/cm3 with atomic number 7.

However, Oxygen supports life on earth. It belongs to the member of the chalcogen group in the periodic table with the symbol O. It is highly reactive non-metal with an atomic mass of 15.999 u. It is reactive and forms oxides with all other elements except neon, argon, krypton, and helium. The atomic number of Oxygen is 8.

The difference between oxygen and oxide is that it is an atom whereas oxide is an ion with a charge of -2, which means gaining two extra electrons.

What is Dinitrogen trioxide?

Dinitrogen trioxide or Nitrogen trioxide is a chemical compound that is highly toxic and corrosive. Dinitrogen trioxide appears as a sharp blue liquid with an unpleasant odor. It is also called nitrogen sesquioxide. Dinitrogen trioxide is a chemical formula of N2O3 with a molecular mass of 76.01 g/mol. 

It has a very low boiling point of 3.5˚C due to which it is held as a liquid by compression. Dinitrogen trioxide is a powerful oxidizer and it is highly explosive in nature.

Formula of Dinitrogen trioxide 

N2O3 is the chemical formula of dinitrogen trioxide. It consists of two nitrous cations and three oxygen anions. Dinitrogen trioxide has a density of 1.447 g/cm3.

Structure of Dinitrogen trioxide 

Dinitrogen trioxide has a planar structure. The center of the molecule is formed by two nitrogen atoms bonded by a single bond. One nitrogen atom is bound by one single oxygen. The other two oxygen atoms are bound by another nitrogen atom.

Dinitrogen Trioxide Structure

Preparation of Dinitrogen trioxide

Dinitrogen trioxide is formed by nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide reaction,

NO + NO2 → N2O3

Properties of Dinitrogen trioxide

  • Dinitrogen trioxide is highly soluble in water.
  • It has the melting point of -100.7˚C.
  • The molecular mass of dinitrogen trioxide is 76.01 g/mol.
  • It has a density of 1.447 g/cm3.
  • The boiling point of nitrogen trioxide is 3.5˚C.
  • It has an appearance of deep blue in color.
  • When nitrogen trioxide is added to the base solutions, nitrite salts are formed.

N2O3 + 2 NaOH → 2 NaNO2 + H2O

  • Nitrogen trioxide produces HNO2 when added to water.

Uses of Dinitrogen trioxide

  • It is used as an oxidizing agent.
  • It is widely used in the preparation of other nitrogen compounds.
  • It also helps to fill in fuel purposes.
  • It is used in chemical laboratories.
  • It helps in industries of making dyes, nylon, etc.

Sample Questions

Question 1: What is a free radical and is N2O3 a free radical?


A free radical can be characterized as a particle or atom containing at least one unpaired electron in a valency shell or external circle and is equipped for autonomous presence. The odd number of electron(s) of a free radical makes it nonstable, fleeting, and exceptionally reactive. Despite the fact that NO2 is a reactive free radical, it nearly doesn’t respond with water. Interestingly, the response with most practical protein groups effectively continues by an extreme sort with the development of nitrite and new radical (X) further balanced out in different structures. Dinitrogen trioxide (N2O3) is a covalent atom since it has two non-metals.

Question 2: Difference between nitrogen monoxide and Dinitrogen pentoxide?


The vital distinction between nitrogen monoxide and dinitrogen pentoxide is that nitrogen monoxide is a dull gas while dinitrogen pentoxide is a white strong. Nitrogen monoxide and dinitrogen pentoxide are chemical mixtures containing nitrogen and oxygen. These are oxides of nitrogen. Dinitrogen pentoxide is the substance compound with the formula N2O5. It is utilized as an oxidizer in different compound responses, however presently generally supplanted by nitronium tetrafluoroborate.

Question 3: How is dinitrogen tetroxide utilized in regular day-to-day existence?


Dinitrogen trioxide is found in nature as being essential for the biogeochemical pattern of the nitrogen on the planet. Nitrogen is found in the climate, seas, and streams, and furthermore in soils. It is utilized economically as a moderate in the manufacturing of HNO3 and as a nitrating and oxidizing specialist. N2O4 is the oxidizer of decision for storable rocket propellants. since it is hypergolic with hydrazine fuels.

Question 4: What happens when you have an excess amount of nitrogen in your body?


Uremia is dangerous in light of the fact that an excess of nitrogen in the blood is harmful to the body. Side effects of uremia incorporate disarray, loss of consciousness, low urine creation, dry mouth, exhaustion, shortcoming, fair skin or paleness, draining issues, fast pulse (tachycardia), edema (expanding), and extreme thirst. All in all, how really does the body dispose of nitrogen – Waste Elimination, most creatures ingest more nitrogen than they can assimilate, such a large amount it gets discharged. Whenever cells use protein, the by-product is urea, which is close to half nitrogen. It goes through the circulation system, and the area gets sifted through the kidneys and blended in with water to create urine.

Question 5: What Is dinitrogen pentoxide and is it a mixture?


Dinitrogen pentoxide also known as nitrogen pentoxide. It is the chemical compound with the formula N2O5. N2O5 is one of the binary nitrogen oxides a group of mixtures that just hold back nitrogen and oxygen. Pentoxide definition is an oxide containing five atoms of oxygen in the molecule. The significant properties of dinitrogen pentoxide are colorless, crystalline solid.

Question 6: Does dinitrogen trioxide generally exist?


N2O3 is a chemical compound shaped by mercury and chlorine with a substance name Nitrogen trioxide. It is likewise called Dinitrogen trioxide, or nitrogen sesquioxide. It is exceptionally a harmful compound and bothering mucous layers. Pure crystalline dinitrogen trioxide is a radical set of nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide (NO, NO2), that assimilates (absorbs) emphatically in the visible area to show up radiant blue.