Sulfur Trioxide Formula – Structure, Properties, Uses, Sample Questions

Sulfur trioxide, or SO3, is a chemical compound with the chemical formula SO3. Sulfur trioxide comes in a variety of forms, each with its own molecular species and crystalline structure. It is colourless in liquid form and emits fumes in ambient settings. It is a highly reactive chemical that is also a strong oxidizer and a fire danger. In comparison to selenium dioxide, it is a thermodynamically unstable molecule.

Structure of Sulfur Trioxide

  1. SO3 is a D3h symmetry trigonal planar molecule in its gaseous state, as predicted by VSEPR theory. As a result, SO3 is classified as a member of the D3h point group.
  2. The sulphur atom has an oxidation state of +6 and a formal charge of 0 according to electron-counting formalism. Without using the d-orbitals, the Lewis structure holds one S=O double bond and two S–O dative bonds.
  3. The electrical dipole moment of gaseous sulphur trioxide is 0. This is due to the 120-degree angle between the S-O bonds.


Properties of Sulfur Trioxide

Physical Properties

Chemical formula



1.92 g/cm3

Molecular mass

80.066 gm/mol

Boiling point

44.9 °C

Melting point

16.9 °C


No odour


Colorless to white crystalline solid



Hydrogen bond acceptor



Soluble in water

Chemical Properties

  • Sulfuric acid is formed when sulphur trioxide combines with water.

SO3 + H2O → H2SO4

  • When sulphur trioxide interacts with sodium hydroxide, sodium hydrogen phosphate is formed.

SO3 + NaOH → NaHSO4

Uses of Sulfuric Trioxide

  1. It’s used as a bleaching agent to get rid of any leftover hydrogen peroxide or as a digesting agent to separate the pulp from lignin.
  2. In the oxidation of sulphur dioxide to sulphur trioxide, it is used as a catalyst.
  3. It’s a sulfuric acid-based powerful inorganic acid mist used in industry and commercial product manufacturing.
  4. In the sulfonation reaction, it is a necessary reagent.
  5. Photovoltaic cells and solar energy gadgets are made with this material.

Sample Questions

Question 1: What happens when Sulfur Trioxide and Water Mix?


It takes a lot of heat to create sulfuric acid vigorously. This is the reaction that can be utilised to make sulfuric acid by converting metal sulphides or sulphur to SO2, catalytically turning it to SO3, and then reacting SO3 with water.

However, by combining SO3 gas with rather concentrated sulfuric acid, we can produce even more concentrated acid. As a result, we’re reacting to a low concentration of water in H2SO4, and the reaction is proportionately less intense.

Question 2: Why is Sulphur Trioxide Electrophilic in Nature?


Sulphur can be bound two times to each of the three oxygens. The sulphur atom in the middle has a formal charge of zero, but the oxygens to which it is linked are exceedingly electronegative (they are known as electron hogs), therefore the sulphur atom in the middle has a partial plus charge on it. As a result, it will accept the electrons to compensate.

Question 3: What happens when Sulphur trioxide interacts with sodium hydroxide?


Sodium hydrogen phosphate is generated when sulphur trioxide reacts with sodium hydroxide.

SO3 + NaOH → NaHSO4

Question 4: What are the uses of Sulfur Trioxide?


  • It’s utilised as a bleaching agent to remove any remaining hydrogen peroxide, as well as a digesting agent to separate pulp from lignin.
  • It acts as a catalyst in the conversion of sulphur dioxide to sulphur trioxide.
  • It’s a powerful inorganic acid mist made from sulfuric acid that’s employed in industry and commercial product manufacturing.
  • It is a required reagent in the sulfonation reaction.
  • This substance is used in photovoltaic cells and solar energy devices.

Question 5: What is Sulfur Trioxide?


The chemical compound sulphur trioxide, or SO3, has the formula SO3. Sulfur trioxide is available in a number of different forms, each with its own molecular species and crystalline structure. In liquid form, it is colourless and releases odours in the environment. It’s a highly reactive compound that’s also a powerful oxidant and a potential fire hazard. It is a thermodynamically unstable compound as compared to selenium dioxide.

Question 6: Why SO3 is acidic?


Because sulphur is a non-metal, and we know that non-metal oxides are acidic in general. When SO3 is dissolved in H2O, the solution changes colour from blue to red, indicating that the solution is acidic.