Division in JavaScript

In every programming language, the operation of division is used often. The division operator (/) is used in JavaScript to divide integers. You may use the division operator or a predefined JavaScript technique that treats every number as an integer to divide two values.

Use the techniques listed below to divide two numbers:

Table of Content

  • Division (/) Operator
  • JavaScript parseInt() Method
  • Using math library in JavaScript
  • Using Bitwise Operator

Method 1: Division (/) Operator

Use the division operator, represented in JavaScript by the symbol (/), to divide two integers. Two operands may be divided; the divided operand is known as the “dividend,” while the dividing operand is referred to as the “divisor.” The “quotient” is the value that remains after division. Follow the given-provided syntax for division:


Example 1: In this example, we will use an integer dividend with an integer divisor. Assigning integer values to the two integers “a” and “b,” we shall divide them in this example. Then, when “b” is a divisor, use the console.log() function with “a” as a dividend:


const a = 14;
const b = 2;
console.log(a / b);



Example 2: In this example, we will use an integer dividend with a float divisor. Now, we’ll divide the integer value by the float value, where “a” is equal to “123” and “b” is equal to “1.7”:


const a = 123;
const b = 1.7;
console.log(a / b);



Method 2: JavaScript parseInt() Method

A JavaScript predefined function called “parseInt()” accepts values in string format and converts them to integer formats. For instance, it will return “20” if you offer it the floating-point number “20.87” as a parameter. When using parseInt() to divide two integers, the method initially delivers the result in integer format before doing the division operation.



In this case, the “parseInt()” function divides the values by the division operator after taking values in either integer or decimal format and returning them in integer format.

Example: This example shows the implemetation of the above-explained approach.


const a = 411;
const b = 2;
const r = parseInt(a) / parseInt(b);



Method 3: Using math library in JavaScript

In this approach, we are using division using the math library in javaScript. JavaScript makes it simple to divide two variables, and the result is in floating-point integers. However, the Math library, which offers a variety of functions, may be used to get the division’s quotient and remainder. For instance, the Math.floor() or Math.trunc() function, which transforms the floating-point value to an integer, may be used to get the quotient of a division, and the % character can be used to obtain the remainder. Find the remainder and quotient of 10 divided by 5, for instance. Check out the code below.

Example: This example shows the implemetation of the above-explained approach.


let a = 10;
let b = 5;
let q = Math.floor(a / b);
let r = a % b;
console.log('Quotient = ', q, 'Remainder = ', r);


Quotient =  2 Remainder =  0

Note: If the numbers are too big, the math library will fail. As an alternative to the Math.floor() method, you may alternatively use the Math.trunc() function, which can handle larger integers. Negative values will result in a failure of the Math.floor() function but not a failure of Math.trunc().

Method 4: Using Bitwise Operator

In this approach, we will be using the Bitwise Operators. The bitwise operators in JavaScript allow us to get the quotient and remainder of a division. For instance, using the bitwise NOT or bitwise OR |0, which transforms the floating-point value to an integer, we may get the quotient of a division. We may also use the% character to retrieve the remaining value. Find the remainder and quotient of 14 divided by 5, for instance. Check out the code below.

Example: This example shows the implemetation of the above-explained approach.


let a = 14;
let b = 5;
let q = ~~(a / b);
let r = a % b;
console.log('Quotient = ', q, 'Remainder = ', r);


Quotient =  2 Remainder =  4

Method 4: Using Lodash _.divide() Method

In this example, we are using the Lodash _.divide() method that return the result of the division of two numbers.

Example: This example shows the implemetation of the above-explained approach.


// Requiring the lodash library
const _ = require("lodash");
// Use of _.divide() method
let gfg = _.divide(1508, 4);
// Printing the output
