How to use Lodash _.divide() Method In Javascript

In this example, we are using the Lodash _.divide() method that return the result of the division of two numbers.

Example: This example shows the implemetation of the above-explained approach.


// Requiring the lodash library
const _ = require("lodash");
// Use of _.divide() method
let gfg = _.divide(1508, 4);
// Printing the output



Division in JavaScript

In every programming language, the operation of division is used often. The division operator (/) is used in JavaScript to divide integers. You may use the division operator or a predefined JavaScript technique that treats every number as an integer to divide two values.

Use the techniques listed below to divide two numbers:

Table of Content

  • Division (/) Operator
  • JavaScript parseInt() Method
  • Using math library in JavaScript
  • Using Bitwise Operator

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