Do you think water in Chennai is available and affordable by all?

Water in Chennai isn’t accessible and reasonable by all. Municipal supply addresses just about a portion of the issues of individuals of the city, on a normal. There are regions that get water more routinely than others. Those regions that are near the capacity point move more water though states farther away get less water. The poor are the most awful survivors of the setbacks in the water supply. The working class individuals oversee water through various confidential means, for example, digging borewells, purchasing water from big haulers, and utilizing bottled water for drinking.

Yet, the poor need to deal with the issue on the grounds that not at all like rich and working-class individuals they don’t have the means to purchase filtered water, or to dig borewells. Water in Chennai is provided by the region, which neglects to fulfill the need 100 percent. A few regions get an ordinary water supply, while numerous areas get an unpredictable inventory of water. Individuals from the working class and high society purchase bundled drinking water or water from tankers, Water in Chennai isn’t accessible to and reasonable by all. There is an inconsistent dispersion of water in various pieces of the city. Certain regions like Anna Nagar get bountiful water while regions like Mylapore get next to no water. While there is no question that public offices ought to be made accessible to all, as a general rule, there is an extraordinary lack of such offices. The water supply in Chennai is set apart by deficiencies. All things considered.

There are regions that get water more consistently than others. Those regions that are near the capacity focus move more water though states further away get less water. The weight of deficiencies in water supply bombs for the most part on poor people.

The working class, when confronted with water deficiencies, can adapt through different confidential means, for example, digging borewells, purchasing water from big haulers, and involving filtered water for drinking. Aside from the accessibility of water, admittance to ‘safe’ drinking water is additionally accessible to some and this relies upon what one can manage. Individuals who can bear the cost of it have safe drinking water, though the poor are again forgotten about. Truly, subsequently, it appears to be that the main individual with cash reserves the privilege to water – a long way from the objective of all-inclusive admittance to adequate and safe’ water.

In Search of Alternative

The deficiency in civil water is progressively being filled by an extension of privately owned businesses that are selling water for benefit. The stockpile of water per individual in a metropolitan region in India ought to be around 135 liters each day (around seven containers) – a standard set by the Urban Water Commission. While individuals in ghettos need to manage with under 20 liters per day for every individual (one can), individuals living in lavish lodgings might drink as much as 1,600 liters (80 containers) of water each day. A deficiency of metropolitan water is much of the time taken as an indication of disappointment by the public authority.

Public offices connect with our fundamental requirements and the Indian Constitution perceives the option for water, wellbeing, schooling, and so forth as similar to a piece of the Right to Life. In this way, one of the significant jobs of the public authority is to guarantee satisfactory public offices for everybody. In any case, progress on this front has been not even close to acceptable. Giving over these offices to privately owned businesses may not be the response. Any arrangement needs to assess the significant truth that each resident of the nation has a privilege to these offices which ought to be given to her/him in an impartial way.

Sample Questions

Question 1: Why does water supply ought not to be given to privately owned businesses?


All through the world, water supply is an element of public authority. There are not very many examples of private water supply. There are regions in existence where the public water supply has accomplished general access.

At the point when the obligation regarding water supply was given over to privately owned businesses, there was a precarious ascent in the cost of water, making it unreasonably expensive for some. Urban communities saw gigantic fights, with riots breaking out in places like Bolivia, compelling the public authority to reclaim the assistance from private hands. Inside India, there are instances of progress in government water divisions, however, these are very few and restricted to specific regions of their work.

Question 2:  Name a step taken to improve the water supply in Chennai?


 There was an inauguration of two tertiary treatment reverse osmosis plants Koyambedu and Kodungaiyur in Chennai.