Equipment Implementation after Failure

Corrective Maintenance (CM), in simple words, failure repair is not an easy task. For successful implementation of corrective action, one needs to manage CM effectively. Operations should be carried out quickly and one should be trying to use minimum amount of resources and tools as well as labors for restoring failed assets. CM is generally used to repair damage that has already occurred. Time required to restore equipment cannot be predicted. CM is mainly used for some specific equipment’s have low-criticality, whose failure does not affect economic and major problems. In general, it is used for assets where others applying other techniques will be more costly than applying CM.

Equipment Implementation :
Equipment implementation is main action that is needed to be performed after failure has occurred. It should be implemented immediately to avoid any type of loss. Overall time required to implement equipment after failure is as follows :

  1. Detection Time :
    Detection time simply means time required to detect problems. If one wants to reduce time required to repair equipment, then he/she should try to identify problem as soon as possible. Some of faults are hidden but cause greater damage to system. Identifying problem is main thing that one should focus on when working with any type of equipment. If problem is determined at early stage, sooner it will be rectified. This will reduce their impact on system and will be less costly to repair it.

  2. Communication Time :

    Communication time simply means time required to communicate about detected problems with team members. It is major and essential task as managers have to communicate effectively with maintenance team in short period of time and much faster to resolve problems as soon as possible. He/She has to deliver proper and correct information and then choose appropriate team members or technicians to perform maintenance tasks. Less will be number of members to perform tasks, more fastly and accurately resolving tasks will be performed.

  3. Waiting Time :
    Waiting time simply means time required to do paperwork, assigning tasks to appropriate technicians, members to address problems. Waiting is generally by some factors like availability of technicians, complexity, safety measures required to be taken, etc.

  4. Diagnosis of breakdown :
    Before proceeding towards maintenance task, one needs to determine what exactly is happening on equipment. One should know answers to two main questions i.e. how asset or equipment is working and how it can fix. If technician is trained and highly skilled, he/she can detect problems and fix them fastly and accurately. Therefore, it is better to assign maintenance task to technicians or members that are trained and expert and have experience as well.

  5. Collection of tools and resources :
    Collection of tools and technical parts simply means time required to collect resources, tools, spare parts that are required and needed to fix problem or failure of particular equipment or asset. After determining what to do, one needs to identify resources and tools required to perform task. This process is time-consuming due to unavailability of tools or resources, time required to order tools, distance of workshop, etc.

  6. Breakdown Service :

    Breakdown service is one of most important but crucial times. This is time required to finally repair failed equipment so that equipment can be restored back to its normal working condition. If technicians are experts, tools are available, team members are highly skilled and trained, then repair time is generally reduced as more fastly it will be done.

  7. Functional tests :

    Functional test is time required to test repaired equipment whether it is working properly after repair or not. In simple words, it is time needed to ensure that equipment has been repaired properly or not. Type of functional test that is being chosen to be performed largely affects time required to test equipment.

    After seeing above all points, we can say that actual time required to repair equipment is very less than overall time required to implement equipment after failure. So, all factors should be handled and managed with care and properly to reduce overall time.