Expedia Internship Interview Experience | On-Campus 2021

Expedia group visited our campus for hiring interns for summer 2022. There was no CGPA cutoff and students from every branch were allowed to appear for the test by the company. The test was conducted on HackerRank and around 200 students appeared for the test. There were 2 technical interviews for the shortlisted students followed by an HR interview round.

Round 1: The first round comprised of 3 coding questions based on data structures and algorithms (Test Duration: 1.5 hour):

  • The difficulty of questions ranged from easy to medium.
  • 40 students were shortlisted for the technical interview rounds.
  • Suggestion: I would suggest doing practice from sites like w3wiki and leetcode as it will give the confidence to solve problems.


  • Solve the questions with a calm mind. 
  • Don’t stress yourself during the test because you have to do 3 questions only in 90 minutes. 
  • Don’t spend too much time on any question if you are not able to do it in 10-15 minutes.

Round 2(Technical Interview Round-1): The round started with a brief introduction of myself. The interviewer then asked about my comfort level with DSA and also asked about my favorite data structure. There were 3 problems on data structures and algorithms. 

Problems asked were:

  1. Find the equilibrium points (indices) of an array. I gave the optimized solution and then the interviewer asked me to code the solution on notepad in any language. The interviewer was satisfied with solution.
  2. Convert a binary tree into a doubly-linked list in spiral order. I gave the solution using hashing with extra space usage but the interviewer did not ask to optimize the solution. The solution used bfs algorithm and then I had to also code the solution on notepad.
  3. Is a given binary tree foldable. The interviewer was only asked to discuss the approach to solving the problem and not to code it. The interviewer asked to apply a precheck to my given solution using the height (if the height of left subtree of root node != height of right subtree of root node the tree can never be foldable). The interviewer was satisfied with my approach.

I managed to give satisfactory solutions and the interviewer gave positive feedback.

Round 3(Technical Interview Round-2): The round started with a brief introduction of myself. The interviewer then asked me about the structure and time complexity of operations of heap data structure followed by 2 questions on DSA and 2 on concepts of OS.

Questions asked were:

  1. Check if a given string is substring of another string. I gave the brute force solution which the interviewer asked to code on notepad in any language. The interviewer also asked to optimize the solution but I could but I told the interviewer the algorithm name that could be used (KMP).
  2. Explain the states of a process.
  3. Difference between semaphore and mutex.
  4. Find the minimum and maximum values of a running stream of integers. I gave the solution using two heaps (1 minheap and 1 maxheap). At each step we get an integer and we add it to both the heaps and return the top elements of both the heaps. The interviewer asked me to pseudocode the solution and optimize it in terms of time and space. I gave the optimized solution using 2 variables only (1 for minimum element and other for maximum element at every step).

The interview did not go well according to the my expectations but the feedback was positive from the interviewer. He said that the interview could have been better but it was still good. 

Suggestion: I would suggest doing practice from sites like w3wiki and leetcode and solve code the solutions on notepad as well as it will give the confidence to solve problems in a interview.


  • Ask the interviewer about the constraints. 
  • Get the question clear by creating your own testcase and verifying your answers with the interviewer. 
  • Ask about the edge cases. 
  • Keep updating the interviewer about the variables and data structures you use as you code. 
  • Make notes of definition and theory portion of OS, DBMS, OOPS and revise them a day before the interview.

Round 4(HR Round): Some students were shortlisted for this round after the 2 technical rounds and fortunately I was one of them. The round started with a brief introduction of myself and the interviewer. There were 3 questions in this round.

Questions asked were:

  1. How did you come to know about Expedia group.
  2. Why do you want to join Expedia group.
  3. Tell about one of your projects. What was your role in the project. How did the team benefit from your work in the project.

The round went good and the feedback was positive.

Suggestions: Prepare beforehand for the questions generally asked in a managerial and HR round. Choose a team project to tell if the interviewer asks about it.


  • Be clear about your thoughts and convey them crisply and clearly. 
  • Maintain a good speech rate and answer the questions in simple and to the point sentences.