Expedia On-Campus Internship Interview Experience 2020

Round-1: The first round was conducted on HackerRank, which consists of 2 coding problems and 6 MCQ questions including the concept of sorting algorithms, the basic concept of programming language, and some basic calculations by loops. (Test Duration: 1.5 hours)

  1. Run Length Encoding
  2. Convert “12th Dec 1989” to “12-12-1989”

The coding questions were pretty much easy if you have practiced and prepared for coding rounds. But if you haven’t done anything yet, Go now and start your preparation because there is no shortcut for success and you have to practice and do it smartly.

For the MCQ part go for basic concepts of any programming language. I would suggest doing quizzes from w3wiki to get in touch with all concepts of C, C++, Python, Java, and other subjects.


  1. This was the first technical interview round which was about 60 minutes long. It was started with an introduction. Then the problem solving round was started in which he first asked what is the concept of pass by value and pass by reference in C++.
  2. The second problem was an array overlapping question where I have to calculate the minimum number of bombs required to blow all the kingdoms whose starting and ending points of all the kingdoms are given.
  3. The last question demands to detect a loop in a linked list and if present calculates its length.


  1. This round started with an introduction, then he asked me about some projects that I worked on during my previous internships.
  2. Then he started with the coding round. He for an array like [1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 234, 235]. We have to return the array having a starting and ending point that is calculated by taking the first and last values that are consecutive. So Output will be [1-3, 5-8, 234-235].
  3. Firstly I gave a solution of complexity O(n^2) by traversing the array and calculating the value consecutive to that value. Then I gave a solution of complexity O(n) where I took a starting variable and an end variable initialized to the first element of the array and then started the for loop from index 1 and will increase to the next element if it is consecutive to the end variable.
  4. And if it is not consecutive then I inserted the starting variable and ending variable into the output array and changed the start and end variable to the current element of the array.
  5. Then he asked about what I know all about binary search trees and how depth-first search and breadth-first depth is implemented by any tree traversal.

That’s all about my interview. After these two technical rounds, students were shortlisted, and those who were shortlisted were eligible for the last round that was HR round. But I was not shortlisted for that. And this is life, all about failures and success.

So, All the best for your interview and cracking it. I hope this experience helps you.