Explain the concept of rehydration in Redux Persist.

In the context of Redux Persist, rehydration refers to the process of restoring the Redux store’s state from persistent storage when the application is restarted or reloaded. It involves retrieving the serialized state data from storage and hydrating the Redux store with that data, effectively restoring the application to its previous state.

Rehydration process in Redux Persist:

  • Storage Retrieval: When the application starts or reloads, Redux Persist retrieves the serialized state data from the chosen storage engine (e.g., local storage, session storage, AsyncStorage).
  • Deserialization: The serialized state data, typically stored as a JSON string, is deserialized into a JavaScript object. This process converts the string representation of the state back into its original format.
  • Redux Store Initialization: Redux Persist initializes the Redux store with the deserialized state data obtained from storage. This reconstitutes the Redux store to its previous state, including all the stored data, such as application state, user authentication status, and any other relevant data.
  • State Rehydration: The Redux store is rehydrated with the restored state data, replacing the initial empty state that Redux creates when the application loads.
  • Continued Application Execution: With the Redux store rehydrated and populated with the restored state data, the application can resume normal execution from where it left off. Users may not notice any interruption in their workflow since the application maintains its previous state seamlessly.

Rehydration is a critical aspect of Redux Persist’s functionality, enabling applications to persist and restore their state across sessions effectively. It helps preserve user data, preferences, and application state, providing a seamless and consistent user experience even after the application is closed or refreshed