Face Value in Maths

Face Value is the actual value that describes the actual value of the digit itself. Even, it doesn’t matter what the place of the digit or position is in the given number, As the given valuable number is 80,456. The face value of 6 in 80,456 will be 6 only. Therefore, the Face value of the digit is always equal to the numerical value of the digit itself.

In this article, we will learn about face-value topics, in detail by involving in their definition, examples, and various other questions based on it.

Face Value Meaning

Face value is the actual value of a digit irrespective of its position. It works as a value of a digit based simply on its numerical representation, regardless of its place in a number. For example, the face value of the digit 9 in the number 694 is 9. It is not the same as place value, which takes into account the position as well as the value of the digit. Hence, it signifies that the face value of a digit is always fixed.

Face Value Definition

The face value of a digit in a number is the value of the digit itself, irrespective of the place it occupies.

Face Value of Digits in Maths

In mathematics, the face value of a digit is its own fundamental numerical value, no matter where it falls in a number. It shows the digits apart contribution to the number’s total numerical value, independent of its position.

Examples of Face Value

Let’s look at the example given below:

The given number is 56789[Find the face value of each digit in number]

  • Face value of 5 is 5
  • Face value of 6 is 6
  • Face value of 7 is 7
  • Face value of 8 is 8
  • Face value of 9 is 9

Place and Face Value

Face Value and Place Value are two important concepts in math that are often used together. Face Value is the actual value of the digits as individual entity irrespective of the place where it is present while Place is the value of the digit in the number assigned due to the position of the digit in a particular number

Examples of Place Value and Face Value

Let’s look at the example given below:

Example: Find the Place Value and Face Value in the given number is 56789

  • Place value of 5 is 50000 and Face Value of 5 is 5
  • Place value of 6 is 6000 and Face Value of 6 is 6
  • Place value of 7 is 700 and Face Value of 7 is 7
  • Place value of 8 is 80 and Face Value of 8 is 8
  • Place value of 9 is 9 Face Value of 9 is 9

Difference Between Place Value and Face Value

Difference between place value and face value are given below;

Place Value Vs Face Value

Place value

Face Value

It is the digit’s value about its position in a particular number.

It is the value of a digit in a particular number, irrespective of where it is located.

A digit’s place value depends on its position in a number.

A digit’s face value is independent of its position in a number.

Every consecutive digit to the left has a place value that increases by a factor of 10.

The face value of digits in a number will remain constant.

Example: In the number 6,572, the place value of 5 is 5×100 = 500, because 5 is in the hundreds place.

Example: In the number 6,572, the Face value of 5 is 5, because that’s the actual numerical value of the digit 5.

Also, Check

Face Value – Solved Examples

Some examples with solutions on Face value are

Example 1: Find the face value of digits in 5349.


Given number is 5349

  • Face value of 5 is 5.
  • Face value of 3 is 3.
  • Face value of 4 is 4.
  • Face value of 9 is 9.

Example 2: Find the face value of digits in 674.


Given number is 674

  • Face value of 6 is 6.
  • Face value of 7 is 7.
  • Face value of 4 is 4.

Example 3: Find the face value of digits in 568907.


Given number is 568907

  • Face value of 5 is 5.
  • Face value of 6 is 6.
  • Face value of 8 is 8.
  • Face value of 9 is 9.
  • Face value of 0 is 0.
  • Face value of 7 is 7.

Example 4: What is the face value of 7 in 987?


In the given number is 987 ,The face value of 7 is 7.

Example 5: What is the product of a face value and Place Value of 5 in 756?


Place Value of 5 is 50

Face Value of 5 is 5

Hence Product of Face Value and Place Value is 5 × 50 = 250

Face Value in Maths: Practice Worksheets

Q1: In the numeral 5,309, what is the face value of the digit 0?

Q2: What is the product of the face value of the digit 3 in the number 3,274?

Q3: In the numeral 6,451, what is the face value of the digit 4?

Q4: In the numeric value 9,876, what is the face value of the digit 7?

Frequently Asked Questions on Face Value

What is Face Value?

In mathematics, face value refers to a digit’s basic value, which is its representation of the digit without taking into consideration its place in a number.

What is Place Value and Face Value

Place Value is the value of digit due to the position of the digit in the number while face value is the actual value of the digit without taking position into consideration

Can the Face value of a digit be Zero?

Yes, the face value of digit can always be zero or other number, that shown at their place of the digit in given number. For example: Given number is 204, the face value of the digit 0 is 0.

What is the Face Value of 6 in 62?

The face value of 6 in 62 is 6.

What is the Face Value of 9 in 9842?

The face value of 9 in 9842 is 9.

How do you Find the Face Value of a Digit in a Number?

A digit’s face value can be determined by looking at it by itself, without taking its position into effect. For instance, the face value of six is six in the number 963.

What is the Place Value and Face Value of 0?

The Place Value and Face Value of 0 is always 0 no matter where it is present