Factors of 18
Factors of 18 are 1, 2, 3, 6, 9 and 18. The factors of a number give back the original number when multiplied in pairs. Generally, the factors of the number are the number that divides the original number completely. The number 18 is composite because it has more factors other than 1 and the number itself....
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Selecting Text in MS Word
MS-Word is a word processing application used for editing and creating documents or files. There are many features and tools provided in it, and it makes your work or task easier....
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Subtraction of Algebraic Expressions
Subtraction of Algebraic Expressions refers to combining like terms together and then subtracting their numeral coefficients. Subtracting algebraic expressions involves combining like terms with attention to the signs. Subtraction of algebraic expression is a widely used concept used for problem-solving....
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What are Numbers?
Numbers in math are the most fundamental thing invented by mankind to serve its vast variety of endeavors in science and technology. From sending rockets to Mars to calculating bills for groceries, numbers are used everywhere. Nowadays, we can’t think of mathematics without Understanding numbers....
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Factors of a Number
Factors of a Number: In mathematics, a factor is a number that divides another number perfectly, leaving no remainder. Factors can also be seen as pairs of numbers that, when multiplied together, result in the original number. For example, 2 and 3 are factors of 6 because multiplying them together gives 6. A single number can have multiple factors....
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Addition of Algebraic Expressions
Algebraic expressions are mathematical phrases that can include numbers, variables, and operation symbols. The addition of algebraic expressions involves combining like terms to simplify the expression....
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Face Value in Maths
Face Value is the actual value that describes the actual value of the digit itself. Even, it doesn’t matter what the place of the digit or position is in the given number, As the given valuable number is 80,456. The face value of 6 in 80,456 will be 6 only. Therefore, the Face value of the digit is always equal to the numerical value of the digit itself....
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Greater Than Symbol
Greater Than Symbol is a mathematical expression used to express the inequalities and comparisons between two numbers. It is denoted by the sign ‘>’ that says the number on the left-hand side is greater than the number on the right-hand side. For example, 3 > 2, simply means ” 3 is greater than 2″....
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Greatest Common Factor
Greatest Common Factor or GCF is the largest positive integer that evenly divides two or more integers without leaving a residual. In simple words, the Greatest Common Factor is the largest value that can be used to divide these numbers and get whole numbers....
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Addition of Fractions | How To Add Like and Unlike Fractions
Addition of Fractions is the method of adding two fractions together to get a single fraction. A fraction represents the division of one number by another, written with a numerator (top number) and a denominator (bottom number) separated by a horizontal line....
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Maths Symbols – Basic Mathematics Symbols
Maths symbols are figures or combinations of figures that represent mathematical objects, actions, or relations. They are used to solve mathematical problems quickly and easily....
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Animating Objects in MS PowerPoint
Animations in MS PowerPoint are the most interactive way to present the data to someone. Nowadays, animations keep people engaged with the concept which they are explaining using the help of PowerPoint. PowerPoint animations play a vital role to understand the most complicated topics very easily. PowerPoint is commonly used by people in business and also the students to create the presentation....
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