Fill an array with specific values in Julia | Array fill() method

The fill() is an inbuilt function in julia which is used to return an array of specified dimensions filled with a specific value passed to it as parameter.

Syntax: fill(Value, Dimension)

  • Value: To be filled in the array
  • Dimension: Required size of the array

Returns: It returns an array of nXn dimension with each element as the specified value. 



# Julia program to illustrate
# the use of Array fill() method
# Creating a 1D array of size 4
# with each element filled with value 5
A = fill(5, 4)
# Creating a 2D array of size 2X3
# with each element filled with value 5
B = fill(5, (2, 3))
# Creating a 3D array of size 2X2X2
# with each element filled with value 5
C = fill(5, (2, 2, 2))



Array fill!() method

fill!() method works exactly like fill() method i.e. it fills an array with a specific value passed to it as argument, but the only difference is that, fill!() method takes an existing array as argument and fills it with a new specified value. While the fill() method takes array dimensions and creates a new array of its own. 

Syntax: fill!(Array, Value)

  • Array: It is the array of specified dimension.
  • Value: It is the value to be filled in the array.

Returns: It returns the array passed to it as argument with the specified value filled at each index. 

Example: Below code is using one dimension array of 3 elements. 


# Julia program to illustrate
# the use of Array fill() method
# Creating a 1D array of size 5
Array1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
# Filling array with fill!()
Array1 = fill!(Array1, 10)
# Creating a 2D array of size 2X2
Array2 = [1 2; 3 4]
Array2 = fill!(Array2, 10)
# Creating a 3D array of size 2X2X2
Array3 = cat([1 2; 3 4], [5, 6; 7 8], dims=3)
Array3 = fill!(Array3, 10)
