Find the Sum of First 60 Natural Numbers

The sum of the first 60 natural numbers can be found using the formula for the sum of an arithmetic series.

The formula to find the sum of an arithmetic series is given as:

Sum(S) = n​/2 × (2a+ (n −1) d)


  • n is the number of terms (in this case, 60).
  • a is the first term (1 in the case of natural numbers).
  • d is the common difference (1 in the case of natural numbers).

Now, plug these values into the formula:

S= 60/2 ​× (2⋅1 +(60−1)⋅1) = 30 × (2+59 = 30 × 61 = 1830

So, the sum of the first 60 natural numbers is 183.