Scalar Matrix
Scalar matrix is a type of diagonal matrix that has all the elements the same or equal. The elements that are present other than in the diagonal are zero....
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Combinations Formula with Examples
Combination is a way of selecting items from a collection of items in combination we do not look at the order of selecting items, but our main attention is on the total number of selected items from a given set of items. For example- suppose that we have three numbers say, a, b, and c. Then in how many ways we can select two numbers is known as a combination....
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Circumcenter of Triangle: Formula, Properties, Examples
The circumcenter of Triangle is a specific point where the perpendicular bisectors of the sides of the triangle intersect. This point is significant because it is equidistant from all three vertices of the triangle. It makes it the center of circle that can be circumscribed around the triangle which is known as circumcircle....
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Arithmetic Operations
Arithmetic Operations are the basic mathematical operations used for calculation. Arithmetic Operations are the backbone of Mathematics. There are four basic arithmetic operations, namely, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division. These four basic arithmetic operations are very helpful in solving daily life calculations such as sharing biscuits among your friend and sibling, counting the total bill you have to pay at a shop, complex calculations such as problems of time and work, data interpretations, etc....
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Acre to Square Yard Conversion
Acre and a square yard are units of measurement for the area. The area of various shapes such as area of a square, area of a triangle, etc, are measured in different units, such as square meters, square feet, square yards, acres, cents, hectares, etc. While solving many problems, mathematical conversions from one unit to another are required....
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If the length of a rectangle is increased by 60%, by what percentage would be the width have to be decreased to maintain the same area?
Everything that surrounds us has a definite shape except for liquids. Starting from our mobile phones, laptops to our cupboards, water bottles, microwave oven, kitchen bowls, water tanks, LPG pipelines, etc. all have a definite shape. Clearly, some of these objects are used to store stuff for us. Such shapes are categorized on certain criteria in Mathematics and studied to either create more shapes like them or to improvise the existing ones by either covering them or decorating them. Furthermore, their storage capacity is also worked upon in mathematics to use them to hold things....
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Identify the terms and their factors in 1 + x + x2
Terms in an algebraic expression are separated using addition(+) and subtraction(-) operators. In the expression 1 + x + x2 there are three terms and those terms are added below:...
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Find a complex number a + bi such that a2 + b2 is irrational
Real and imaginary numbers combine to form complex numbers. The imaginary component, I (iota), indicates a square root of -1. The imaginary portion of a complex number is i. a + ib is a typical representation of complex numbers in their rectangular or standard form. 420 + 69i, for example, is a complex number in which 420 represents the real part and 69 represents the imaginary part....
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Find y if 6y-8-6-8y = 4
Algebraic expression can also be termed variable expression. Algebraic expressions are considered equations where the variables are operated upon by operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. An algebraic expression is defined using the variables, constants which are integral values, and these terms are recognized with additional coefficients. For instance, the examples of algebraic expressions are 4x+1 = 0 and so on....
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Arithmetic Mean
Arithmetic Mean is defined as the ratio of all the values or observations to the total number of values or observations. Arithmetic Mean is one of the fundamental formulas used in mathematics and it is highly used in various solving various types of problems. We can understand it with some examples, if in a family the husband earns 35,000 rupees and his wife earns 40,000 rupees then what is their average salary? This average is also called the arithmetic mean of 35,000 rupees and 40,000 rupees, which is calculated by adding these two salaries and then dividing it by 2....
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What is the value of (-8/27)-2/3?
Exponents and powers are used to show very large numbers or very small numbers in a simplified manner. For example, if we have to show 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 in a simple way, then we can write it as 24, where 2 is the base and 4 is the exponent. The whole expression 24 is said to be power....
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Prove that (cos θ sec θ)/cot θ = tan θ
Trigonometry is a discipline of mathematics that studies the relationships between the lengths of the sides and angles of a right-angled triangle. Trigonometric functions, also known as goniometric functions, angle functions, or circular functions, are functions that establish the relationship between an angle to the ratio of two of the sides of a right-angled triangle. The six main trigonometric functions are sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant, or cosecant....
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