Five Great Lakes Bordering the US

Five Great Lakes Bordering the US: The five Great Lakes surrounding the US comprise a collection of large waterbodies that serve as a source of fresh water in the US. These lakes border the United States and Canada. These lakes not only beautify the region but also hold ecological and historical significance.

These five great lakes bordering the US are Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario. The article will discuss each lake in detail, along with its geological and ecological importance.

Table of Content

  • About Great Lakes Bordering the US
  • List of Five Great Lakes Bordering the US
  • Lake Superior
  • Lake Huron
  • Lake Michigan
  • Lake Erie
  • Lake Ontario
  • Habitat Surrounding the Great Lakes
  • Plant and Animal Life in the Great Lakes

About Great Lakes Bordering the US

Lakes serve as a great natural source of water. These massive lakes are located in the USA and efficiently store water for consumption or other purposes. During heavy rainfall, these lakes also prevent flooding by storing excess water. These are mostly natural, while some of them are even man-made. It also provides easy accessibility for travel and shipping. Overall, the Great Five Lakes bordering the USA are essential for the ecosystem and natural habitat in the region.

List of Five Great Lakes Bordering the US

The list of five lakes bordering the USA is as follows:

Name of the Lakes

Surface Area

Lake Superior

31,700 sq mi

Lake Huron

23,000 sq mi

Lake Michigan

22,3000 sq mi

Lake Erie

9,910 sq mi

Lake Ontario

7,240 sq mi

1. Lake Superior

Lake Superior is one of the largest lakes. Known for its size, Lake Superior is also the world’s biggest freshwater lake. Similar to the size of an inland sea, the lake has its currents and waves directed by the winds. It is also home to 1,000 million trout fish. It also has up to 88 species of fish. According to geologists, the lake is so large that it takes up to several decades to replace its water through small outlets. It runs up to 31,700 sq mi.

2. Lake Huron

The second largest freshwater lake is Lake Huron, located on Manitoulin Island. The island itself consists of several smaller lakes. It runs up to 23,000 sq mi. And has high amounts of sulphur. Several ships have disappeared in this lake due to its low oxygen level. The remains of the famous vessel used in the Civil War in 1861 were found in this lake. It also has one of the largest salt mines in the world, which is located underneath the lake. The lake is home to several unique ecosystems and takes only 22 years to replace its water completely.

3. Lake Michigan

It is the third-largest lake in the world. Lake Michigan is located within the borders of the USA. It is also known for having the largest dunes in the world. The water in this lake is replaced every 99 years. Historically known for its timber trade by pirate ships, Lake Michigan runs up to 22,300 sq mi.

4. Lake Erie

Lake Erie is the fourth largest lake in the world. It is also the shallowest lake and serves as an outlet for Niagra Falls. Surrounded by a bustling industry, Lake Erie is located in a region with 17 metropolitan areas. This lake is also known for its historical battle with Lake Eria during the War of 1812. This war took place between the US and the British naval forces. Currently, this lake covers up to 9,910 sq. mi.

5. Lake Ontario

The smallest among the great lakes, Lake Ontario runs up to 7,240 sq mi. It starts at the bottom of the Niagra Falls. The lake serves as a great outlet for ships and fleets that carry over 125 million tons of cargo every year. However, considering its size, the lake has drowned over 600 people. It also serves as a massive industry for freshwater fish.

Habitat Surrounding the Great Lakes

Certain unique and diverse habitats can be found surrounding each of the 5 Great Lakes. These add up to the scenic beauty of the region. The habitats surrounding the Great include:

  • Aquatic: A diverse range of plants and animals are found in the aquatic habitat of the 5 Great Lakes. These provide food to the marine species found inside the great lake.
  • Forest: Some great lakes are surrounded by forests. In these regions, the lakes serve as an important source of water for the animals living in the forest.
  • Marshland: Marshland near the 5 great lakes are home to several species like tortoises, frogs, etc. Marshland also plays an important role in the growth of mangroves.
  • Wetland: This supports both terrestrial and aquatic species. These forms are mostly found in coastal zones.
  • Dune: These are also known as beaches. These help prevent excessive flooding by absorbing the impact of storms.

Plant and Animal Life in the Great Lakes

The Great Lakes is home to almost 3,500 species of plants and animals. Apart from that Diatoms – a microscopic algae with glasslike shells of silica is one of the major forms of algae. Green and Blue-Green algae are also a part of Lake Erie, Ontario and Michigan’s ecosystem. Several forms of plankton and microscopic crustaceans are found during the spring and fall seasons.

Snails, clams, worms, mayflies, and caddisflies are found at the bottom of the lakes. Opposum shrimp, deepwater sculpin, and copepods are also found at the bottom. The variety of fish found in these lakes includes lake trout, salmon, lake herring, whitefish, walleye, bass, and catfish. Overall, there is a mix of indigenous and foreign species that widens the diversity of aquatic animals in the Great Lakes.

Conclusion – Five Great Lakes Bordering the US

The great lakes bordering the USA not only serve as an attraction for the beautiful waterbody and its landscape but also add to the massive fishing industry. The five lakes together serve as one-fifth of the world’s freshwater sources. The combined area of the lakes is about 94,250 square miles.

FAQs on Five Great Lakes Bordering the US

What US state borders the five Great Lakes?

The Great Lakes give us the largest supply of fresh water on earth. These lakes are bordered by the six Midwestern states of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio.

Which Great Lake is within the US border?

Lake Michigan is the only Great Lake entirely within the United States’ borders. Bordered by the states of Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin, it stands as a vital freshwater resource and a hub for recreational activities.

Which Great Lake is the biggest ?

Lake Superior is the largest of the Great Lakes. It also has the largest surface area of any freshwater lake in the world. It contains almost 3,000 cubic miles of water.

Which Great Lake is the smallest?

Lake Ontario is the smallest of the five Great Lakes. Lake Huron has the longest shoreline of the five Great Lakes.

Where do the Great 5 Lakes meet ?

Among the waterways linking the lakes are the St. Marys River, which flows from Lake Superior to Lake Huron; the Niagara River, connecting Lake Erie to Lake Ontario; and the narrow Straits of Mackinac, joining Lake Michigan and Lake Huron.