Rock Cycle
Rock cycle refers to the web of processes that outlines how the three main types of rocks- igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks, form and break down based on various applications of processes of heat and pressure over due course of time. For example, sedimentary rock becomes slate when both heat and pressure are added to it. The more heat and pressure added, the process of rock metamorphoses is furthered until it changes to gneiss and the rock melts down completely and reforms as igneous rock....
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Chapter 1 Human Geography|Class 12 Geography Notes
Class 12 Geography Notes Chapter 1 Human Geography: Class 12 Geography notes for Chapter 1 on Human Geography are important for CBSE board exams. They’ll help you understand things like how people interact with their environment, why cities grow, how cultures shape landscapes, and what challenges we face because of all this....
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Sedimentary Rocks
Sedimentary Rocks are defined as those formed by the consolidation of sediments. The various weathering agencies wear down the pre-existing rocks. The weathered products called sediments are carried to water bodies like lakes and oceans by the rivers, where they accumulate and later by compaction and cementation from sedimentary or secondary rocks. Because the sediments are deposited characteristically in the form of layers, these rocks are also called stratified rocks....
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What are the features of forest and monsoon soil?
The uppermost layer of the Earth’s crust is made up of a complex mixture of minerals, organic matter, water, air, and living things known as soil. It is an essential natural resource that promotes the growth of plants and is crucial to the environment. A vital component of soil is water and air. Nutrients may be delivered to plant roots through water, whereas soil organisms can breathe oxygen because of air. For crops to grow healthily, soil moisture and air content must be balanced. Indian soils can be divided into seven types. They are alluvial soil, black soil, red soil, laterite soil, or arid soil, and forest and mountainous soil,marsh soil....
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What is the Role of Western Disturbances in Indian Climate?
Western disturbances play a vital part in the Indian climate since they provide relief from the country’s typically dry and scorching temperatures. Extratropical storms known as “western disturbances” migrate towards the Indian subcontinent from the Mediterranean region. They are so named because they create disruption throughout the western states of the subcontinent, including Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, and Uttarakhand....
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Why are Rivers Important for the Country’s Economy?
Importance of Rivers: Rivers are naturally flowing bodies of water, usually freshwater, that flows toward the sea, sea, lake, or another river. In some cases, the river flows into the ground and dries without reaching other bodies of water at the end of the course. Small rivers are referred to by names such as streams, streams, streams, and streams....
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Metallic Minerals – Definition, Types, Ores, Examples
Minerals are inorganic compounds found naturally in the soil as well as components in food required for healthy living. They feature an organized internal structure, crystalline formations, and distinct chemical compositions. There are around 2,000 minerals are known elements on Earth, yet this figure is debatable since some believe there are more, while others believe there may be fewer owing to research concerns....
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Physical Geography and its Importance| Class 11 Geography Notes
In this article, we will delve deep into the topic of “Physical Geography and its Importance” from the NCERT Class 12 Geography book. These notes are specially curated by an expert team at GeeksforGeeks for all the students....
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Genetic Diversity| Class 11 Geography Notes
Genetic diversity alludes to the inconstancy in qualities inside a species, impacted by variables like change, hereditary float, and quality stream. It is significant for species survival because it empowers adjustment to change situations and the improvement of special characteristics. Preservation endeavors, both in-situ and ex-situ, are fundamental to preserving hereditary differing qualities and avoiding species termination....
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CBSE Notes Class 10 Geography Chapter 5: Minerals and Energy Resources
Minerals and Energy Resources are important topics in CBSE Class 10 Geography. Chapter 5 Geography covers the different types of minerals found on Earth, their extraction and refining processes, and their importance in various industries. It also covers the different types of energy resources like conventional and non-conventional sources of energy, their uses, and the need for their conservation. The Geography Chapter 5 highlights the impact of human activities on the environment and the importance of sustainable use of resources....
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Chapter 4 Human Development| Class 12 Geography Notes
Human Development simply means the positive growth and progress in human habitation and livelihood. Human Development has a direct influence on the quality of life that humans lead. The point to keep in mind while understanding the topic of human development is that people are the central aspect of this concept. Basically,on we find that human development enlarges people’s choices and improves their lives....
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What are the Important Characteristics of Arid Soil in India?
Arid soils have certain floor horizons which have numerous specific characteristics. Arid soil can be classified into sets of soils on the basis of the aridisol order of USDA classification. Some important characteristics of arid soil include that its colors are purple and brown, its texture is sandy, it is saline in nature, and also lacks moisture as well as humus. Arid soils that are not fertile in nature are characterized with the aid of water deficiencies and also contain excessive amounts of gypsum, sodium, and calcium carbonates....
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