Flutter – Project Setup with GetX CLI Tool

In this article, we will learn about how to set up or file structure of our flutter project using get_cli. You might be aware of the GetX state management. If not let us explain to you all the things so that you are familiar with these terms. State Management is to manage the things between 2 or more screens or in a complete app. It helps to create heavy applications and sustain data on every screen. GetX is one of the state management tools, dependency manager, and navigation manager that we are using in Flutter. Previously it was limited to state management only. A command line interface (CLI) is a text-based interface where you can input commands that interact with a computer’s operating system. Let’s learn how to add get_cli in the Flutter project and maintain app structure, dependency and many more. In the time of automation, you should not create the UI structure manually when you can do it through a single command.

Step By Step Implementation

Step 1: Install the get_cli on your device

You can install the CLI in your system


flutter pub global activate get_cli

Step 2: Create a flutter project

Create a flutter using the command


flutter create .

or you can create a project from get_cli


get create project

If you have existing project you can use following command


get create project

Step 3: Create a page using command

Create a page that will contain controller, view, and binding with page name that you provide


get create page:page_name

It will create a folder like this

It will have view file where you will create a UI like textfiled, text, column, row. Controllers will contain API calls and navigation and data where you will set the data. Bindings are classes where we can declare our dependencies and then ‘bind’ them to the routes. From below command you can manage the app from cli like as now you have access to get command. Let’s understand how to handle different things

1. To generate model file


get generate model on home with assets/models/user.json

Here assets/models/user.json is kind of data for which you want to create model file.

2. Add the package


get install http

Here http is package name you want to add in your project.

3. To remove the package

This is to remove the package from app


get remove http

4. To generate localizations file


get generate locales assets/locales

assets/locales is path name where we have to create locales file name

5. To install the dev dependency


get install flutter_launcher_icons --dev

6. To update the get_cli

To update the get cli.


get update

You have successfully learnt basics of get_cli from the above command. Hope you have understood all the things.