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Whether you’re just beginning your SAT preparation journey or looking to sharpen your skills before test day, our Free Digital SAT Mock Practice Tests for Reading and Writing are invaluable. So, let’s dive in and start mastering the skills you need to succeed on the SAT!

SAT Exam Reading Practice Questions (1-10)

Directions: Each passage or pair of passages below is followed by several questions. After reading each passage or pair, choose the best answer to each question based on what is stated or implied in the passage or passages and any accompanying graphics (such as a table or graph).

Passage 1

From the novel “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen. This passage depicts an exchange between Elizabeth Bennet and her father, Mr. Bennet, in their home in rural England during the early 19th century.

Elizabeth approached her father, who was quietly reading in his library. “Father, how do you judge Mr. Darcy? I am puzzled as to his character. He seems proud, yet also just.”

Mr. Bennet looked up from his book, his eyes twinkling with a hint of amusement. “My dear,” he said, “we can only judge by actions, yet we must be cautious. Mr. Darcy’s pride is well-known, but his actions may reveal more than mere pride.”

“And what of his proposal?” Elizabeth asked.

“It is a complicated thing,” Mr. Bennet replied, “He proposes not just a marriage but a partnership. It appears he respects you greatly, even in his pride.”

This conversation leads Elizabeth to reconsider her initial impressions of Mr. Darcy, realizing the complexity of his character and the importance of actions over reputation.


1. What is the primary theme discussed between Elizabeth and Mr. Bennet?

A) Marriage

B) Pride

C) Character judgment

D) Literary criticism

Correct Answer: C) Character judgment

Explanation: The primary theme of the discussion is character judgment, as Elizabeth seeks her father’s insight into Mr. Darcy’s true nature, focusing on interpreting his actions and pride.

2. What does Mr. Bennet imply about Mr. Darcy’s character?

A) It is simple and straightforward.

B) It is unworthy of trust.

C) It is complex and requires careful consideration.

D) It is entirely virtuous.

Correct Answer: C) It is complex and requires careful consideration.

Explanation: Mr. Bennet suggests that Mr. Darcy’s character is complex and not to be judged hastily, noting that his actions might reveal more than his reputed pride.

3. How does Elizabeth’s understanding of Mr. Darcy evolve through this interaction?

A) She dismisses him completely.

B) She remains indifferent to his character.

C) She begins to see the depth and respect in his proposal.

D) She decides to confront Mr. Darcy.

Correct Answer: C) She begins to see the depth and respect in his proposal.

Explanation: Through her father’s insights, Elizabeth starts to appreciate the complexity of Mr. Darcy’s character and his respectful attitude towards her, which challenges her previous views.

Passage 2

From the play “The Crucible” by Arthur Miller. This passage involves a dialogue between John Proctor and his wife Elizabeth in their home in Salem, Massachusetts, during the witch trials.

John paced back and forth in the kitchen, his face etched with worry. “The town’s gone mad, Elizabeth. Every day more accusations, more condemnations.”

Elizabeth watched him, her expression composed but concerned. “And what will you do, John?” she asked quietly.

“I must expose Abigail’s lies,” he replied. “She manipulates the court, and innocent people suffer for it.”

Elizabeth nodded, understanding the danger but recognizing the necessity of truth. “Then you must do what you believe is right, even if it is dangerous.”

This conversation deepens the moral conflict for John, highlighting the struggle between self-preservation and the pursuit of justice.


4. What is the central conflict in the dialogue between John and Elizabeth Proctor?

A) Family loyalty

B) Legal disputes

C) Moral integrity versus self-preservation

D) Financial issues

Correct Answer: C) Moral integrity versus self-preservation

Explanation: The central conflict is John’s moral dilemma about whether to protect himself or expose the truth to save others, indicating a clash between moral integrity and self-preservation.

5. What does Elizabeth encourage John to do?

A) To flee Salem

B) To compromise with Abigail

C) To stand up for the truth

D) To seek revenge

Correct Answer: C) To stand up for the truth

Explanation: Elizabeth encourages John to act according to his moral beliefs and confront the lies, even if it brings personal risk.

6. What theme is highlighted by John’s intention to expose Abigail?

A) Justice

B) Forgiveness

C) Power

D) Redemption

Correct Answer: A) Justice

Explanation: John’s resolve to expose Abigail’s deceit emphasizes the theme of justice, as he aims to correct the wrongs done to innocent people.

Passage 3

From the novel “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley. This excerpt describes a conversation between Victor Frankenstein and his creature in the Swiss Alps.

Victor faced the creature, his creation, in the dim light of dawn. “Why do you confront me?” he asked, his voice a mixture of fear and anger.

“The misery you’ve caused me must be avenged. I am alone, miserable, and abandoned,” the creature replied, its voice echoing with pain and determination.

“You must understand, I never foresaw the horror of what I created,” Victor confessed, his shoulders slumping under the weight of his guilt.

The creature looked at Victor with a gaze that was both pitiful and accusatory. “You owe me a companion, a being of my own kind.”

This encounter forces Victor to confront the consequences of his scientific ambition, recognizing his moral responsibility to his creation.


7. What is the creature’s main grievance against Victor?

A) Victor’s refusal to talk to him

B) The misery and isolation he has experienced

C) Victor’s plans to create more creatures

D) The destruction caused by Victor

Correct Answer: B) The misery and isolation he has experienced

Explanation: The creature expresses his suffering due to being alone and rejected, which is his main grievance against Victor.

8. What does Victor admit during their confrontation?

A) He was wrong to create the creature.

B) He did not anticipate the consequences of his actions.

C) He regrets meeting the creature.

D) He has another creature ready.

Correct Answer: B) He did not anticipate the consequences of his actions.

Explanation: Victor acknowledges that he did not foresee the horror and repercussions of bringing the creature to life, indicating a lack of foresight.

9. Which theme is most evident in this passage?

A) Revenge

B) Scientific responsibility

C) Parental duty

D) The power of nature

Correct Answer: B) Scientific responsibility

Explanation: The dialogue centers on the theme of scientific responsibility, highlighting Victor’s accountability for the consequences of his uncontrolled scientific endeavors.

10. What does the creature demand from Victor, and why?

A) A place to live independently, to avoid humans.

B) An apology, to make Victor acknowledge his mistake.

C) A companion, to end his isolation.

D) A new identity, to start afresh.

Correct Answer: C) A companion, to end his isolation.

Explanation: The creature demands that Victor create a companion for him to alleviate his profound loneliness and misery. This request underscores his desire for belonging and companionship, reflecting his human-like needs despite his monstrous form

SAT Exam Writing Practice Questions ( 1-10)

Each passage below is accompanied by a number of questions. For some questions, you will consider how the passage might be revised to improve the expression of ideas. For other questions, you will consider how the passage might be edited to correct errors in sentence structure, usage, or punctuation. A passage or a question may be accompanied by one or more graphics (such as a table or graph) that you will consider as you make revising and editing decisions. Some questions will direct you to an underlined portion of a passage. Other questions will direct you to a location in a passage or ask you to think about the passage as a whole. After reading each passage, choose the answer to each question that most effectively improves the quality of writing in the passage or that makes the passage conform to the conventions of standard written English. Many questions include a “NO CHANGE” option. Choose that option if you think the best choice is to leave the relevant portion of the passage as it is.

Passage 1

The Importance of Biodiversity Conservation

Biodiversity refers to the variety of life on Earth, including the diversity of species, ecosystems, and genetic variations. Protecting biodiversity is vital for maintaining natural balance and supporting human well-being. Ecosystems provide essential services such as air and water purification, climate regulation, and soil fertility. Additionally, many medical discoveries, such as drugs and treatments, are derived from natural compounds.

[1] Healthy ecosystems can better withstand and recover from a variety of disasters. [2] For example, mangrove forests protect coastal areas from storm surges and tsunamis. [3] Similarly, diverse agricultural systems improve food security by reducing dependency on a single crop. [4] Conservation efforts are crucial not only for environmental reasons but also for economic and social benefits. [5] By protecting biodiversity, we ensure resources for future generations.


1. What is the primary purpose of biodiversity according to the passage?

A) To provide recreational areas for humans

B) To maintain natural balance and support human well-being

C) To enhance the beauty of natural landscapes

D) To increase agricultural productivity

2. According to the passage, how do diverse agricultural systems benefit society?

A) They increase the nutritional value of food

B) They reduce dependency on a single crop

C) They make farming less labor-intensive

D) They decrease the cost of agricultural products

3. Which of the following best describes the tone of the passage?

A) Optimistic

B) Indifferent

C) Critical

D) Pessimistic


B) To maintain natural balance and support human well-being

Explanation: The passage emphasizes that ecosystems provide essential services that support human well-being, which directly answers the question.

B) They reduce dependency on a single crop

Explanation: The passage specifically mentions that diverse agricultural systems improve food security by reducing dependency on a single crop.

A) Optimistic

Explanation: The passage maintains a hopeful and positive outlook on the benefits of biodiversity conservation for the environment, economy, and society.

Passage 2

Advancements in Water Purification Technologies

Advancements in water purification technology are crucial for addressing the global water crisis. Innovative methods such as reverse osmosis, UV light treatment, and nano-filtration have significantly improved the ability to produce clean, safe drinking water. These technologies not only ensure water safety but also help conserve water resources by making the treatment process more efficient.

[1] For instance, reverse osmosis removes contaminants through a semi-permeable membrane. [2] UV light treatment, on the other hand, uses ultraviolet light to kill bacteria and viruses without chemicals. [3] Nano-filtration removes even smaller particles than traditional methods. [4] These improvements are vital for communities in arid regions where water scarcity is a critical issue. [5] Moreover, reducing water wastage is key to sustainable development.


4. Which technology mentioned in the passage uses ultraviolet light?

A) Reverse osmosis

B) UV light treatment

C) Nano-filtration

D) None of the above

5. What is a major benefit of the technologies discussed in the passage?

A) They generate electricity

B) They reduce water wastage

C) They improve soil fertility

D) They increase air quality

6. What problem do these technologies specifically address?

A) Air pollution

B) Soil erosion

C) Water scarcity

D) Deforestation


  1. B) UV light treatment
    • Explanation: The passage directly states that UV light treatment uses ultraviolet light to kill bacteria and viruses.
  2. B) They reduce water wastage
    • Explanation: The passage notes that these technologies help conserve water resources by making the treatment process more efficient, thereby reducing water wastage.
  3. C) Water scarcity
    • Explanation: The passage highlights that these technologies are particularly vital for communities in arid regions where water scarcity is a critical issue.

Passage 3

The Economic Impact of Recycling

Recycling is not just an environmental initiative; it also has significant economic implications. By converting waste materials into new products, recycling conserves natural resources and reduces the need for raw materials. This process also consumes less energy compared to traditional manufacturing methods and generates economic benefits by creating jobs in the recycling sector.

[1] Recycling programs can significantly reduce municipal waste. [2] They also contribute to the economy by creating a market for recycled goods. [3] For example, recycled paper requires 40% less energy than producing new paper from trees. [4] This energy saving translates into lower production costs and fewer emissions. [5] Moreover, recycling helps avoid the over-exploitation of natural resources, supporting sustainable development.


7. What is a primary environmental benefit of recycling mentioned in the passage?

A) It reduces energy consumption

B) It increases air quality

C) It prevents soil erosion

D) It conserves water

8. According to the passage, what economic benefit does recycling provide?

A) It decreases the cost of living

B) It creates jobs

C) It boosts agricultural productivity

D) It reduces healthcare costs

9. How does recycled paper compare to new paper in terms of energy consumption?

A) It requires more energy

B) It requires the same amount of energy

C) It requires 40% less energy

D) It requires 60% more energy


  1. A) It reduces energy consumption
    • Explanation: The passage specifically mentions that recycling consumes less energy than traditional manufacturing methods.
  2. B) It creates jobs
    • Explanation: The passage indicates that recycling generates economic benefits by creating jobs in the recycling sector.
  3. C) It requires 40% less energy
    • Explanation: The passage directly states that recycled paper requires 40% less energy than producing new paper from trees.

Passage 3

The Economic Impact of Recycling

Recycling is not just an environmental initiative; it also has significant economic implications. By converting waste materials into new products, recycling conserves natural resources and reduces the need for raw materials. This process also consumes less energy compared to traditional manufacturing methods and generates economic benefits by creating jobs in the recycling sector.

[1] Recycling programs can significantly reduce municipal waste. [2] They also contribute to the economy by creating a market for recycled goods. [3] For example, recycled paper requires 40% less energy than producing new paper from trees. [4] This energy saving translates into lower production costs and fewer emissions. [5] Moreover, recycling helps avoid the over-exploitation of natural resources, supporting sustainable development.


7. What is a primary environmental benefit of recycling mentioned in the passage?

A) It reduces energy consumption

B) It increases air quality

C) It prevents soil erosion

D) It conserves water

8. According to the passage, what economic benefit does recycling provide?

A) It decreases the cost of living

B) It creates jobs

C) It boosts agricultural productivity

D) It reduces healthcare costs

9. How does recycled paper compare to new paper in terms of energy consumption?

A) It requires more energy

B) It requires the same amount of energy

C) It requires 40% less energy

D) It requires 60% more energy


  1. A) It reduces energy consumption
    • Explanation: The passage specifically mentions that recycling consumes less energy than traditional manufacturing methods.
  2. B) It creates jobs
    • Explanation: The passage indicates that recycling generates economic benefits by creating jobs in the recycling sector.
  3. C) It requires 40% less energy
    • Explanation: The passage directly states that recycled paper requires 40% less energy than producing new paper from trees.

SAT Maths Practice Questions (1-5)

1. What is the solution to the equation 3x + 9 = 18?

A) 1

B) 3

C) 6

D) 9

Answer: B) 3

Explanation: To find the value of x, subtract 9 from both sides of the equation: 3x+9−9=18−9, 3x = 9 Next, divide both sides by 3: x=9/3=3, Therefore, x=3

2. A rectangle has a length of 4x and a width of x + 4. If the area of the rectangle is 48 square units, what is the value of x?

A) 2

B) 4

C) 6

D) 8

Answer: B) 4

Explanation: The area of a rectangle is calculated by multiplying the length by the width. 4x(x+4)=48, Expand and rearrange the equation: 4×2+16x−48=0, Dividing the equation by 4 simplifies it: x2+4x−12=0, Factoring the quadratic equation gives: (x−2)(x+6)=0(x – 2)(x + 6) = 0(x−2)(x+6)=0 Solving for xxx, we find x=2x = 2x=2 and x=−6x = -6x=−6. Since a length can’t be negative, x=4x = 4x=4 is the solution.

3. If z=4x−1 and x=3, what is the value of z?

A) 11

B) 12

C) 13

D) 14

Answer: A) 11

Explanation: Substitute x=3 into the equation z=4(3)−1, z=12−1, z=11 Therefore, z is 11.

4. The average of four numbers is 15. If three of the numbers are 12, 18, and 15, what is the fourth number?

A) 10

B) 15

C) 20

D) 25

Answer: B) 15

Explanation: The average of four numbers is 15, meaning their total sum is: 4×15=604 \times 15 = 604×15=60 Sum of the known three numbers: 12+18+15=4512 + 18 + 15 = 4512+18+15=45 Subtract this from the total sum to find the fourth number: 60−45=1560 – 45 = 1560−45=15 Thus, the fourth number is 15.

5. Solve for x in the equation 5x−2=3x+6.

A) 2

B) 4

C) 6

D) 8

Answer: B) 4

Explanation: Start by getting all terms involving xxx on one side and constant terms on the other: 5x−3x=6+2, 2x=8, Divide both sides by 2 to solve for x: x=8/2=4, Therefore, x=4.