Digital SAT Free Mock Practice Test-5| Sample Mock Paper for SAT Exam 2024

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Whether you’re just beginning your SAT preparation journey or looking to sharpen your skills before test day, our Free SAT Practice Tests for Reading and Writing are an invaluable resource. So, let’s dive in and start mastering the skills you need to succeed on the SAT!

SAT Exam Reading Practice Questions (1-10)

DIRECTIONS: Each passage or pair of passages below is followed by several questions. After reading each passage or pair, choose the best answer to each question based on what is stated or implied in the passage or passages and any accompanying graphics (such as a table or graph).

Passage 1

This passage is adapted from a classic work of literature where the protagonist, John Smith, an esteemed professor of history, becomes involved in a thrilling archaeological discovery. John, while on a sabbatical in Greece, stumbles upon what he believes to be an ancient manuscript that could potentially alter the understanding of the Hellenistic period. The narrative delves into John’s challenges in authenticating the manuscript, navigating academic politics, and his personal journey of rediscovery.

Question 1: What is the primary concern of John Smith in the passage?

A) Ensuring his sabbatical is restful and rejuvenating.
B) Validating the authenticity of the ancient manuscript.
C) Learning the modern Greek language to enhance his experience.
D) Managing the logistics of his travel and stay in Greece.

Correct Answer: B
The passage focuses on John Smith’s efforts surrounding the ancient manuscript he discovers. It highlights his dedication to confirming its authenticity, which is a significant theme of the narrative. The other options, while plausible in a different context, are not supported by the information in the passage.

Question 2: How does John Smith’s discovery potentially impact the academic field?

A) It offers a new vacation spot for historians.
B) It could change the understanding of the Hellenistic period.
C) It leads to a decrease in academic funding for historical research.
D) It causes a rivalry among different universities.

Correct Answer: B
The passage indicates that the manuscript John discovered could alter the existing understanding of the Hellenistic period, suggesting a significant academic impact. This points directly to option B as the correct answer. The other choices do not align with the details given about the effects of John’s find.

Question 3: Which of the following best describes the tone of the passage regarding John Smith’s discovery?

A) Indifferent and unenthusiastic.
B) Doubtful and suspicious.
C) Excited and optimistic.
D) Disappointed and regretful.

Correct Answer: C
The tone of the passage concerning John’s discovery is excited and optimistic. It conveys a sense of potential and enthusiasm about the impact of the find on historical understanding, which fits with option C. The other options suggest negative or neutral tones that are not supported by the passage.

Passage 2

This passage is adapted from an article on the history of navigation techniques.

For centuries, mariners navigated the vast oceans using the stars, sun, and horizon as their guides. Traditional methods like dead reckoning, which involved estimating one’s current position based on a previously determined position, were common before more precise instruments were developed. The sextant, an instrument that measures the angle between an astronomical object and the horizon, revolutionized navigation when it was introduced.

The real breakthrough came with the invention of the marine chronometer by John Harrison in the 18th century. This device allowed sailors to determine longitude accurately, a crucial factor in navigation. Harrison’s chronometers were pivotal during sea voyages, helping to map the world more accurately and aiding empires in expanding their territories.

Historical records from voyages, such as those of Captain James Cook, highlight the importance of these instruments. Cook’s expeditions are particularly noted for their precision in mapping, largely due to his use of Harrison’s chronometer. The device proved its worth by providing reliable measurements of longitude, thereby preventing the loss of ships due to navigational errors.

In a modern context, these navigational tools have evolved but still reflect the ingenious contributions of their inventors. The principles laid down by early navigational instruments continue to influence today’s GPS technology, proving that the foundations of navigation are as crucial now as they were centuries ago.


4. What was the primary function of the marine chronometer?

A) To measure the distance traveled east or west from a known point.

B) To determine the speed of a ship.

C) To calculate the angle between the sun and the horizon.

D) To determine longitude accurately.

5. Which navigational tool was used before the introduction of the sextant and chronometer?

A) GPS systems

B) Dead reckoning

C) Satellite imaging

D) Radar technology

6. How did Captain James Cook’s use of the marine chronometer impact his voyages?

A) It allowed him to travel faster than other ships at the time.

B) It helped him avoid collisions at sea.

C) It enabled precise mapping of new territories.

D) It was mainly used for celestial navigation.


  1. Answer: D) To determine longitude accurately.
    • Explanation: The marine chronometer was primarily developed to provide accurate measurements of longitude, which was crucial for determining the exact position of a ship at sea. Options A, B, and C do not accurately describe the main purpose of the chronometer as outlined in the passage.
  2. Answer: B) Dead reckoning
    • Explanation: Before the advent of more precise instruments like the sextant and marine chronometer, mariners relied on methods such as dead reckoning to estimate their position. This method involved calculating one’s current position based on a previously known location by estimating speed and direction. Options A, C, and D represent modern or unrelated technologies.
  3. Answer: C) It enabled precise mapping of new territories.
    • Explanation: Captain James Cook’s expeditions were renowned for their accuracy in mapping, primarily due to his use of John Harrison’s marine chronometer. This instrument allowed him to make precise measurements of longitude, crucial for detailed and accurate mapping, which is stated in the passage. Options A, B, and D, while plausible in a broader context, do not directly relate to the impact described in the passage.

Passage 3

Exercise is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Regular physical activity can help maintain a healthy weight, improve cardiovascular health, and boost overall mood. There are various forms of exercise, each offering different benefits to the body.

[1] Aerobic exercises, such as running, swimming, and cycling, are designed to increase cardiovascular endurance. [2] These activities help strengthen the heart and lungs, ensuring that oxygen is efficiently distributed throughout the body. [3] Strength training, including lifting weights and doing push-ups, focuses on building muscle mass and improving bone density. [4] This type of exercise is crucial for maintaining muscle strength and overall body stability. [5] Flexibility exercises like yoga and stretching help improve joint range of motion and reduce the risk of injuries.

In addition to physical benefits, exercise also contributes significantly to mental health. Activities that increase heart rate, such as jogging or playing sports, release endorphins, chemicals in the brain that act as natural painkillers and mood elevators. Consistent exercise can also help reduce symptoms associated with depression and anxiety.

While the advantages of regular exercise are clear, incorporating it into daily life can be challenging for many due to time constraints, lack of interest, or physical limitations. However, finding an activity that is enjoyable and suits one’s lifestyle is crucial. Even moderate activities, such as walking or gardening, can have significant health benefits.

In conclusion, engaging in regular physical activity is vital for maintaining good health. Whether through aerobic, strength, or flexibility exercises, the benefits of consistent exercise routines extend beyond physical appearance, enhancing both physical and mental health.


7. What is the primary purpose of aerobic exercises, as mentioned in the passage?

A) To improve flexibility

B) To build muscle mass

C) To increase cardiovascular endurance

D) To reduce symptoms of depression

8. According to the passage, what role do endorphins play?

A) They help in building muscle mass.

B) They act as natural painkillers and mood elevators.

C) They increase the risk of injuries.

D) They improve joint range of motion.

9. Which of the following exercises is categorized under strength training?

A) Yoga

B) Cycling

C) Push-ups

D) Swimming

10. What challenge is associated with incorporating exercise into daily life?

A) Finding an activity that is enjoyable

B) Only engaging in high-intensity workouts

C) Avoiding flexibility exercises

D) Limiting exercise to indoor activities


  1. Answer: C) To increase cardiovascular endurance
    • Explanation: The passage specifies that aerobic exercises like running, swimming, and cycling are designed to increase cardiovascular endurance by strengthening the heart and lungs.
  2. Answer: B) They act as natural painkillers and mood elevators
    • Explanation: The passage discusses how activities that increase heart rate release endorphins, which are described as chemicals in the brain that act as natural painkillers and mood elevators.
  3. Answer: C) Push-ups
    • Explanation: Strength training is mentioned in the passage as including activities like lifting weights and doing push-ups, which focus on building muscle mass and improving bone density.
  4. Answer: A) Finding an activity that is enjoyable
    • Explanation: The passage mentions that incorporating exercise into daily life can be challenging, and it emphasizes the importance of finding an activity that is enjoyable and suits one’s lifestyle.

SAT Maths Practice Questions (1-5)

1. If 3x−7=11, what is the value of x?

A) 4

B) 5

C) 6

D) 7

Answer: C) 6

Explanation: To find the value of xxx, solve the equation: 3x−7=11


3x = 18



2. The expression 4×2−94x^2 – 94×2−9 factors into which of the following?

A) (2x−3)(2x+3)

B) (4x−9)(x+1)

C) (2×2−3)(2×2+3)

D) (4x−3)(x+3)

Answer: A) (2x−3)(2x+3)

Explanation: The expression 4×2−9 is a difference of squares, which factors as: a2−b2=(a−b)(a+b), Here, a=2x and b=3, so: 4×2−9=(2x−3)(2x+3)

Question 3:

If y=1/x and x≠0, what is the value of y when x=2?

A) 0.5

B) 1

C) 2

D) 4

Answer: A) 0.5

Explanation: Substitute x=2 into the equation y=1/x , ​y=1/2, y=0.5

Question 4:

The perimeter of a square is 40 cm. What is the area of the square?

  • A) 100 cm²
  • B) 120 cm²
  • C) 160 cm²
  • D) 200 cm²

Answer: A) 100 cm²

Explanation: The perimeter of a square is given by 4×side length. If the perimeter is 40 cm: 4×side length=40, side length=10 cm Area of a square is side length2 102=100 cm2

Question 5:

Julia saves ddd dollars each week. How much money will she save in 333 months?

  • A) 12d
  • B) 13d
  • C) 36d
  • D) 48d

Answer: A) 12d

Explanation: There are approximately 4 weeks in a month. In 3 months: 4×3=12 weeks, If Julia saves ddd dollars each week, in 12 weeks: 12×d=12d Hence, she will save 12d dollars.