Freedom| Class 11 Political Science Notes

Freedom means being able to do what you want and enjoy the value of your actions. There are two types: positive and negative. Positive freedom includes rights that help you develop without harming others. Negative freedom means there are no limits on what you can do. Freedom comes in different forms natural, civil, political, economic, and religious. To protect freedom, we have things like democracy, equal rights, economic security, and constitutional laws.

In this article, we are going to discuss about Freedom in detail.

Freedom| Class 11 Political Science Notes

What Is Freedom?

Freedom can be defined as the absence of external constraints on individuals, enabling them to make independent decisions and act autonomously. However, freedom encompasses more than just the absence of constraints; it also involves the expansion of individuals’ ability to freely express themselves and develop their potential. In this broader sense, freedom entails creating conditions in which people can nurture their creativity and capabilities.

Individuals striving for freedom often confront social constraints that limit their ability to choose, decide, or act. They may struggle against unjust restrictions imposed by society, advocating for the removal of oppressive barriers that hinder personal development and expression. These individuals challenge societal norms and institutions that suppress individual freedoms, seeking to create a more equitable and inclusive society where everyone can thrive.

Furthermore, the concept of “Swaraj” in Indian political thought aligns with the notion of freedom, emphasizing self-rule and liberation from oppressive structures. Mahatma Gandhi emphasized the importance of understanding Swaraj as both the rule over oneself and the collective pursuit of freedom. By recognizing the interconnectedness of individual and societal freedom, Gandhi envisioned a society where individuals could realize their full potential while upholding principles of justice and self-responsibility.

In summary, freedom entails not only the absence of external constraints but also the creation of conditions that enable individuals to pursue their interests and develop their capabilities. It involves challenging unjust social constraints and fostering a society where everyone has the opportunity to chart their own destiny and fulfill their potential.

The Ideal Of Freedom

The autobiography of Nelson Mandela, one of the most influential figures of the twentieth century, is titled “Long Walk to Freedom.” In this book, he reflects on his personal battle against South Africa’s apartheid regime.

  • Mandela talks about how his fellow citizens fought against unfair laws made by the white government.
  • He explains the tough times and violence black South Africans faced from the police under apartheid.
  • These unfair treatments included being made to move, not being allowed to travel freely, and being told who they could marry.
  • These rules were all about treating people differently because of their race.
  • Mandela believed that the struggle for freedom was about breaking down these unfair rules and making sure everyone in South Africa could be free.
  • He spent twenty-eight years in prison, alone most of the time.
  • Mandela gave up things he liked, such as spending time with others, doing his favorite sport like boxing, wearing what he wanted, listening to his favorite music, and celebrating his culture.
  • Even though it was hard, Mandela accepted being alone and not knowing what would happen next because he wanted his people to be free.
  • He paid a big price personally because he was so dedicated to freedom.
  • Mandela’s sacrifices show how much he believed in making sure everyone was free.

The Sources of Constraints

Restrictions on individual freedom can arise from various sources, including domination and external controls. These limitations might be enforced through coercion or established by a governing authority via laws that reflect the authority’s power over the populace and may be enforced through coercive measures.

  • This type of restriction is like what colonial rulers or the apartheid regime in South Africa used.
  • In a democracy, people can have some say in who leads them, which helps protect their freedom.
  • But limits on freedom can also come from unfairness in society, like caste systems, or from big differences in wealth.

Why We Need The Constraints?

We cannot exist in a world devoid of constraints. Constraints are essential to prevent societal descent into chaos. Disparities in ideas, opinions, conflicting ambitions, and competition for scarce resources are inherent among individuals, leading to potential disagreements expressed through open conflict.

  • People often get into fights for various reasons, like arguing over parking spots or disagreeing about movies.
  • These fights can turn violent, putting lives at risk.
  • That is why every community needs ways to stop violence and solve arguments.
  • If we respect each other’s ideas and don’t force our own opinions on others, we can live together with few rules, which helps freedom.
  • In a perfect free community, people should be able to believe what they want, make their own rules, and choose what they do.
  • But making this kind of community also means accepting that people have different ideas, thoughts, and beliefs.
  • Sometimes, though, sticking strongly to your beliefs can cause problems with people who think differently.
  • If we see other ideas or ways of living as bad or wrong, we might need laws and rules to stop one group from forcing its ideas on another.
  • These rules help us talk about our differences without making anyone do things they don’t want to do.
  • And when people are pressured or bullied into doing things they don’t want to do, we need stronger laws to keep everyone’s freedom safe.

Harm Principle

To adequately address these questions, it is crucial to consider the limits, competence, and consequences of imposing restrictions. John Stuart Mill’s essay “On Liberty” introduces the concept of the “harm principle,” which asserts that the only justification for interfering with an individual’s liberty is to prevent harm to others. Mill distinguishes between “self-regarding” actions, which only affect the individual, and “other-regarding” actions, which have consequences for others. He argues that while the state has no right to interfere with self-regarding actions, it may intervene to prevent harm caused by other-regarding actions.

However, the constraint of freedom should only occur in specific circumstances, particularly when the harm caused is serious. Mill suggests that for minor harm, social disapproval is sufficient, and legal punishment should be reserved for actions causing serious harm to individuals. Society should tolerate diverse lifestyles, viewpoints, and interests as long as they do not harm others. However, tolerance should not extend to views or actions that endanger or promote hatred towards others.

Regarding dress codes, various situations raise questions about the justification and authority behind imposing restrictions. For instance, during Mao’s regime in China, the mandatory wearing of “Mao suits” was argued to promote equality. Similarly, restrictions on dress in sports, schools, or religious contexts raise debates about their necessity and impact on freedom of expression.

In constitutional discussions, such constraints are often termed “reasonable restrictions,” meaning they must be justifiable by reason and not excessive or disproportionate to the action being restricted. Developing a habit of imposing restrictions could undermine freedom in society. Therefore, any constraints imposed should be carefully evaluated to ensure they do not unduly limit individual freedom.

Negative and Postive Liberity

In this chapter, two dimensions of freedom have been discussed: negative liberty, which emphasizes the absence of external constraints, and positive liberty, which focuses on the expansion of opportunities for self-expression. Negative liberty, also known as “freedom from,” advocates for the establishment of an inviolable area where individuals can act without interference from external authorities. The size and content of this area are subjects of ongoing debate, as a larger area allows for more freedom while ensuring human dignity remains uncompromised.

Positive liberty, on the other hand, concerns itself with “freedom to,” addressing the conditions and nature of the relationship between individuals and society to minimize constraints on individual development. Positive liberty advocates for creating a society that enables individuals to flourish by providing material, political, and social conditions conducive to personal growth. While negative liberty focuses on protecting the inviolable area of non-interference, positive liberty seeks to improve societal conditions to foster individual development.

Freedom of expression is considered a fundamental value falling within the minimum area of non-interference. John Stuart Mill argued for its protection, asserting that even ideas perceived as false contain elements of truth and contribute to the emergence and testing of new truths. He emphasized the importance of exposing ideas to opposing views to ensure the continuous pursuit of truth and cautioned against suppressing dissenting opinions, as they may contain valuable knowledge.

In conclusion, freedom entails not only the absence of external constraints but also the capacity and responsibility to make choices. Advocates of liberty stress the importance of nurturing individual autonomy through education and judgment while limiting the authority of the state and society.

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FAQs – Chapter 2: Freedom Class 11 Notes

What is meant by freedom Class 11 notes?

Freedom is a situation that limits the constraints on individuals and allows them to expand their ability and reach their potential. Freedom allows the full development of an individual’s creativity, sensibility, capabilities and the autonomy to make choices.

What is liberty class 11 notes?

In modern politics, liberty is defined as the state of being free within society from control or oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one’s way of life, behaviour, or political views.

What are the different types of freedom class 11?

Freedom can be classified as natural freedom, civil freedom, political freedom, economic freedom, religious freedom, individual freedom, etc. Various safeguards have been provided for freedom, i.e. democratic setup, equal rights for all, economic security constitutional provisions, etc.

What is freedom in political science?

Political freedom was described as freedom from oppression or coercion, the absence of disabling conditions for an individual and the fulfillment of enabling conditions, or the absence of life conditions of compulsion, e.g. economic compulsion, in a society.

What is freedom short note?

Freedom is defined by Merriam Webster as the quality or state of being free, such as: the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action. liberation from slavery or from the power of another. boldness of conception or execution. a political right.

What are the 2 aspects of freedom Class 11?

Freedom has the two aspects, i.e. positive and negative. others if enjoyed as well essential for an individual’s development. Negative freedom implies the absence of any restraints on freedom. freedom, economic freedom, religious freedom, individual freedom, etc.

How many types of freedom are there?

The four freedoms relate to freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want and freedom from fear. They are sometimes simply referred to as freedom from fear and freedom from want.

Why is freedom important?

The freedom of society grants human the ability to live their lives freely and do as they wish. This freedom is necessary because it gives the people more freedom and allows for self-care.

What are two types of freedom?

The two most generic forms of freedom are natural freedom, which implies the absence of social constraint upon action; and there is social freedom, which entails the capacity for action (power-to) due to mutually beneficial structural constraint.

What is freedom in life?

Freedom refers to a state of independence where you can do what you like without any restriction by anyone. Moreover, freedom can be called a state of mind where you have the right and freedom of doing what you can think off. Also, you can feel freedom from within.