NCERT Solutions for Class-11 Political Science Chapter-2: Freedom

Freedom – Class-11 NCERT Solution discusses the concept of freedom, its various dimensions, and its importance for individuals and society. It then discusses the different types of freedom, such as political, economic, and social. Our Top Social Science Experts prepare these NCERT Solutions to take care of all Important Topics that might be asked in the upcoming examination 2024-2025. So, Students can refer to these solutions for their final Examination preparation.

These Class-11 Political Science Chapter-2 Freedom NCERT Solutions are carefully developed using easy-to-understand language while adhering to the guidelines for solving NCERT Solutions for Class 11. Working through these solutions can be highly beneficial for students in their board exams and preparing for future competitive Exams.

NCERT Solutions Class-11 Political Science Chapter-2: Freedom

Page No 27

Q. Do we have the freedom to destroy our environment?


While we have the potential to influence the environment, our freedom to destroy it is filled with ethical and moral implications. Such choices can have significant consequences, impacting not just our own lives but also future generations and the entire ecosystem. As a result, while we can exploit the environment, we also hold the duty of preserving and protecting it for the benefit of all species on Earth.

Exercises Page No 30

Q1. What is meant by freedom? Is there a relationship between freedom for the individual and freedom for the nation?


Freedom, at its core, refers to the ability of individuals to act, speak, and make choices without undue constraint or coercion. It includes various aspects such as political, economic, social, and personal freedoms. There is indeed a relationship between freedom for the individual and freedom for the nation. When individuals within a nation are granted freedoms and rights, it often leads to a more open and democratic society, contributing to the overall freedom and prosperity of the nation. Individual freedom limitations, on the other hand, might hinder societal progress and limit the country’s ability to grow and flourish.

Q2. What is the difference between the negative and positive conception of liberty?


The negative conception of liberty emphasizes the absence of external interference or constraints on individual action. It focuses on freedom from interference by others or by the government, promoting individual autonomy and minimal state intervention. In contrast, the positive conception of liberty emphasizes the presence of conditions that enable individuals to fulfill their potential and pursue their own goals. It often involves providing resources, opportunities, and support to ensure individuals have the capability to exercise their freedom effectively. While the negative conception prioritizes non-interference, the positive conception emphasizes the promotion of well-being and empowerment.

Q3. What is meant by social constraints? Are constraints of any kind necessary for enjoying freedom?


Social constraints refer to norms, expectations, and rules within a society that limit or influence individuals’ behavior and choices. These constraints can be informal, such as cultural norms or peer pressure, or formal, such as laws and regulations.

Constraints of some kind are often necessary for enjoying freedom within a society. While it may seem paradoxical, a certain level of constraint is essential to prevent actions that harm others or infringe upon their freedoms. For example, laws against theft and violence constrain individuals from harming others, thereby preserving everyone’s freedom and safety. Additionally, social norms and expectations can guide behavior in ways that promote harmony and cooperation within communities, enhancing the overall freedom and well-being of its members. However, excessive or unjust constraints can undermine individual liberty and inhibit societal progress, so it’s crucial to strike a balance between necessary constraints and individual freedoms.

Q4. What is the role of the state in upholding freedom of its citizens?


The role of the state in maintaining the freedom of its citizens is diverse. Firstly, the state is responsible for enacting and enforcing laws that protect individual rights and freedoms, such as freedom of speech, assembly, and religion. It should ensure that all citizens are treated equally under the law and have access to justice.

Moreover, the state plays a crucial role in providing essential services and infrastructure that enable individuals to exercise their freedoms effectively, such as education, healthcare, and social welfare programs. By promoting economic opportunity and reducing inequalities, the state can enhance individuals’ ability to pursue their own goals and live fulfilling lives.

Also, the state must protect against threats to freedom, both internal and external, by maintaining national security and defending against abuses of power. This includes protecting citizens from unjustified infringements on their rights by governmental authorities or other actors.

Q5. What is meant by freedom of expression? What in your view would be a reasonable restriction on this freedom? Give examples.


Freedom of expression refers to the right of individuals to express their opinions, ideas, and beliefs without censorship or interference from the government or other authorities. It includes various forms of expression, including speech, writing, art, and media.

Reasonable restrictions on freedom of expression are often necessary to balance the rights of individuals with other important societal values and interests. One such restriction is to prevent speech that directly incites violence or poses a clear and imminent threat to public safety. For example, speech that encourages terrorism or promotes hate crimes could be restricted to protect public order and safety.

Another reasonable restriction involves preventing defamation and protecting individuals’ rights to privacy and reputation. While freedom of expression allows for criticism and debate, it should not extend to making false statements that harm someone’s reputation or invade their privacy. Laws against libel and slander are examples of restrictions aimed at balancing freedom of expression with the rights of individuals to protect their reputation.

Also, restrictions on freedom of expression may be justified to prevent obscenity and protect vulnerable groups, such as children, from exposure to harmful or inappropriate content. Laws regulating pornography or explicit materials aim to balance freedom of expression with the need to maintain public decency and protect vulnerable populations.

Summary – NCERT Solutions Polity Chapter-2: Freedom

The NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 2 Freedom is an essential resource for students who are preparing for the Class 11 Political Science examination. The solutions are well-written and easy to understand, and they provide a comprehensive overview of the topic. The solutions also include a number of practice questions that can help students test their understanding of the material. Overall, the NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 2 Freedom is an excellent resource for students who are looking to learn more about the concept of freedom and its importance in the modern world.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions Polity Chapter-2: Freedom

What is the significance of freedom in the context of NCERT Solutions Polity Chapter 2?

Freedom is explored as a fundamental aspect of individual and societal well-being, integral to democratic principles.

How does the chapter define freedom?

Freedom is defined as the ability to act and make choices without undue constraint or interference.

What are the different dimensions of freedom discussed in the chapter?

The chapter explores political, economic, social, and personal dimensions of freedom, emphasizing their interconnectedness.

What role does the state play in upholding freedom?

The state is tasked with protecting and promoting individual freedoms through legislation, governance, and safeguarding human rights.

Are there any limitations to freedom as discussed in the chapter?

Yes, the chapter acknowledges reasonable limitations on freedom to prevent harm to others or maintain societal order.

How does the chapter address the balance between individual freedom and collective well-being?

It explores the delicate balance between individual liberties and the need for social cohesion and public interest.

What are some examples of freedoms discussed in the chapter?

Examples include freedom of speech, expression, religion, association, and the right to participate in political processes.