Full Stack Developer Intern Interview Experience at Glosity

The full stack developer intern hiring was on campus and it started with shortlist of resumes. Almost everyone cleared this resume screening test. The next round was to build a TODO project on MERN stack and record a presentation video explaining about the project. The deadline for this project was 3 days.

Technical Round

After this we had our technical interview round in which there was only one interviewer. He started with the general question of He basically asked questions related to development only. Some of the questions that he asked are:

1) Difference between let, var and const

2) What are props and states?

3) What are react hookes? Name those used in your project.

4) Write a code snippet to pass a list of people to a map function.

5) Why react over other frameworks?

HR Round

After the technical round, shortlisted students were called for HR round. It includes the general questions like:

1) Why Glosity?

2) Tell me something about your journey?

3) How much do you get expected to pay?

4) Will you be able to manage the pressure of placements at your college and internship work as well?

All the best!