Work Experience as a Full Stack Web Developer Intern at Codex Earth

During my one-month internship at Codex Earth, I immersed myself in the role of a full stack web developer. Initially, I familiarized myself with the company culture and ongoing projects. Subsequently, I collaborated closely with the team, contributing to both frontend and backend development tasks.

On the frontend, I utilized HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to craft responsive and visually appealing user interfaces. Meanwhile, on the backend, I worked with technologies such as Node.js and the Express framework to build robust server-side functionalities. I also gained hands-on experience with databases, particularly MongoDB.

As the project progressed, I actively participated in code reviews and suggested improvements to enhance the codebase’s quality. Additionally, I leveraged version control systems to manage the project’s codebase effectively.

Overall, my internship at Codex Earth provided me with invaluable practical experience and sharpened my teamwork skills, paving the way for my growth as a web developer.