Fynd Academy Interview Experience

Recently, I had the opportunity to attend an interview at Fynd Academy, one of the leading companies in the e-commerce industry. The interview lasted for 1 hour, and all questions were based on the project I had made using the MEVN (MongoDB, ExpressJS, VueJS, and NodeJS) stack. Additionally, I was asked a question from the data structure and algorithm domain

Technical Round :

The MEVN project that I made was a simple e-commerce website where users could browse products, add them to their cart, and complete their purchases. I was asked various questions about the project, starting with the architecture and design patterns I had used. I explained the use of MongoDB as the database and how I had utilized its document-based structure to store information about products, users, and orders. I also talked about how I had used ExpressJS for the server-side logic and VueJS for the front-end user interface.

The interviewer then asked me about the challenges I faced while building the project and how I had overcome them. I shared some of the difficulties I encountered while integrating the various components of the MEVN stack and how I 8tackled them. I also explained the security measures I had taken to ensure the protection of sensitive data, such as encryption and authentication.

After discussing the MEVN project, the interviewer moved on to the data structure and algorithm questions. The question was to Find the maximum repeating character in a string. I explained my approach, which was to create an array to store the frequency of each character in the string. I then looped through the string, counting the frequency of each character, and finally, compared the frequencies to Find the maximum repeating character. The interviewer was satisfied with my approach and asked me to write the code for it. I wrote the code in JavaScript and explained my thought process as I wrote it.

Conclusion: the interview experience at Fynd Academy was an enriching and challenging one. The interviewer was knowledgeable and provided constructive feedback throughout the interview. The opportunity to showcase my skills and knowledge of the MEVN stack and data structures and algorithms was invaluable. I am grateful for the experience and would like to thank Fynd Academy for the opportunity