Fynd Interview Experience for Junior Python Engineer (1+ Years Experienced)

Hi everyone, Hope everything is well with you. Today I’m going to share my fynd interview experience for the role of Junior Python Engineer Role. Hope it’ll help you in preparing for your next coding interview.  So without further ado let’s get started.

I applied for the role through Linkedin jobs portal. Next day, I got an introductory phone call from HR team. I was given a brief introduction about Fynd and then she scheduled an interview with an Sr. Engineer team member having 5+ years of experience. 

Round 1: We started with introduction. It lasted more then 90 mins.

Overview of questions:

Started with basics of python.


  • None Type
  • Numeric -> int, float, complex, bool
  • Sequence Type -> List, tuple, str
  • Mapping Type -> dict
  • set type -> set and frozen set (asked the difference)

Basics of DBMS:

  • What is difference between RDBMS and DBMS.
  • Have you ever used no sql database. How is it different than relation database. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using them.
  • Asked about Index. What will happen if we place index on all columns. Will it get faster or slower?
  • Asked to analyse a data. It was an example of many to many relation (process – recipe). Asked Schema. I defined 3 tables. Process, Recipe and ProcessRecipeMapper. and then asked to write down a query to retrieve all data. So I used django Prefetch related and Select related concept. He also asked me to write down query in SQL. It took some time and it wasn’t perfect (as I haven’t used in professional experience), but interviewer got the idea what I was trying to achieve.

Basics of Django:

  • We discussed about simple HTTP request flow in django. What happen during API call explain the flow.

Simple Easy code to implement without using in built functions. https://www.w3wiki.net/reverse-words-in-a-given-string/

Round 2(Task Round):

  • Task round: Interviewer knows that I’ve a background in DRF. So for the challenge, they asked me to implement Movies API which have genres, rating, director, list of actors (name only) in short very basic API using Flask/Sanic/Fast API framework of your choice.(I chose Sanic & Mongo) and SQLite/Mongo database. 
  • There wasn’t any specific deadline, but i completed the task in a weekend. In additional I wrote down test cases, implemented caching, Swagger for documentation purpose and Docker and deployed code on AWS EC2. 
  • P.S. Due to my addition efforts, I was directly assigned to 4th round and they skip a technical round. Based on this experience, It is my advice to reader that if you’re given a task, then don’t afraid of it. Do your best, you don’t know what will happen next! At least learning from task will eventually going to help you!

Round 3(Technical): Due to my addition efforts, they skip a technical round

Round 4(Principal Engineer Round): We started with introduction. 

  • He explained me about fynd and upcoming projects.
  • Then he asked me what is difference between C and Python. I answered, One is based on functional/procedural language another follows OOPs. He smiled and told this is textbook definition! tell me something which I don’t know. I tried my best and explained every point that came in my mind.
  • Then he asked me in which language execution of code is faster? I answered C. Again he replied, this is textbook definition, explain me how! We discussed on some os concepts of compilation. In c code goes through different stages: Linker, Assembler, Compiler, But even in python interpreter executes .pyc file. I couldn’t explained him the best answer.
  • Then as a hint, he asked me concept of shallow copy and deep copy.
    sample code:


    # code
    a = 5
    b = 10
    b = a
    a = 7
    print(a, b)


    And ask me to explain memory allocation, i told a and b will be assigned to different memory allocation and both will consume 8 bytes (size of int) of memory.

  • Then he asked me what will happen if I run this:


    # code
    a = 5
    b = 7
    print(id(a), id(b))
    a = 5
    b = 5
    print(id(a), id(b))


    P.S: Try to get the answer by your own!

  • Then we discussed about a little bit of database index, normalisation.
  • He also asked me about difference between Monolith and Micro service architecture.
  • Next question was, what will happen when I write down fynd.com on browser. We discussed about DNS, routing (basics), Gateway and basics of system arch.
  • Coding question: Similar to sliding window maximum. (Working code was required).

Round 5: Basic HR kind of question. 

  • Why do you want to join Fynd, what do you know about Fynd
  • Why do you want to leave your current organisation, etc.