Galgotias University Campus Experience

I started my graduation journey in the year 2022 at Galgotias University, Greater Noida Uttar Pradesh. Where currently I am in 2nd year pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering with a Specialization in Artificial intelligence and machine learning, We know that AI is our future for Btech cse students. I passed out Up Board and, As an Up Board student is not easy to survive in new places because of a lack of communication.

Here are a few points to consider:

Transition from UP Board to University Level:

  • The shift from the UP Board to a university can indeed bring about changes in the educational system, teaching methods, and evaluation criteria. It might take some time to adapt to the new academic environment.
  • Universities often have a more rigorous and diverse curriculum compared to schools, so it’s normal to feel some stress initially.

Communication Challenges:

  • Moving to a new place and dealing with a different communication style or language can be challenging. It’s common for students to face some difficulties in the beginning.
  • Engaging with peers, and faculty, and participating in extracurricular activities can help improve communication skills and make the overall experience more enjoyable.

Stress Management:

  • It’s crucial to recognize stress and find healthy ways to manage it. Make use of the resources available at your university, such as counselling services, student support groups, or workshops on stress management.
  • Developing a routine, setting realistic goals, and finding time for relaxation can also contribute to a more balanced and less stressful college experience.

Building a Support System:

  • Establishing a support system with classmates, seniors, and faculty members can significantly help in navigating the challenges of college life.
  • Joining clubs or organizations related to your field of study can provide opportunities to network, share experiences, and seek guidance.

First-Year Experience:

When I was admitted in the first year, I was very confused whether to start with it or which language to study first, generally it happens with all the students, after some time I started with a programming language, learned some basics of it and appeared for college exams. It started and just like that the first year passed.

The first year of college often involves getting acquainted with new subjects, understanding the basics, and preparing for exams. This period is crucial for building a strong foundation in your chosen field of study.


It’s now my 3rd semester at Galgotias University, and I can’t help but reflect on the incredible journey I’ve had so far. The past two years have been filled with fascination, thrills, and joy. Currently, I’m learning Data Structure and algorithms. As I look forward to the upcoming 5th semester, I believe it will be just as enriching and delightful as the previous years. Overall, Galgotias University has proven to be the best campus I have ever visited, and I’m excited about the continued positive experiences ahead.